Christmas and camping go together like Comet and Cupid. OK… not always. Cold weather camping doesn’t put everyone in a merry mood. But if you love Christmas, then these U.S. holiday camping destinations will warm your cold, winter heart with twinkly light displays, festive town centers, towering Christmas trees, and of course, visits from Santa.

If you also love camping (we’re guessing you do), you’re in luck! Most of these destinations are warm enough to sleep outdoors year-round. RV’s and cabins are also cozy holiday camping options.

Christmas and Camping Come Together at These Festive Holiday Camping Destinations

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Don’t forget a string of lights for the tent and hot chocolate for the fire.

1. Christmas Town, North Carolina

The residents of McAdenville, North Carolina love Christmas so much, they change the name of their town each year for the season. The population of McAdenville is less than 1,000, but nearly 600,000 people visit during the holidays when it becomes Christmas Town. Hundreds of thousands of Christmas lights make downtown sparkle, and lit up trees line a lake with glittering reflections on the water.

Recommended Campground: Crowder’s Mountain State Park

“The trails are strenuous but views are amazing! Its definitely worth it and right outside town.” — The Dyrt camper Tricia B.

2. Nevada City, California

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The annual Nevada City Victorian Christmas festival is a big deal for this town of about 3,000. Nevada City is just an hour outside of Sacramento, but you’ll feel centuries away as visitors dress in period appropriate clothing; expect to see lots of gowns and top hats! Street vendors fill the streets with gift ideas and the aroma of roasting chestnuts. Join the carolers to really get into the spirit.

Recommended Campground: Inn Town Campground

Inn Town campground is just minutes from downtown and open year-round. Bring a festive holiday camping tent or RV, or stay at one of the onsite “glamping” tents.

3. Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri

Over 6 million lights decorate Silver Dollar City in Branson Missouri, making it one of the brightest and most festive holiday parks in the country. The 1880’s style theme park features rides and attractions year-round, but Christmas brings the extra-festive spirit, with music performances on multiple stages, 1,000 decorated trees, and of course plenty of Christmas shopping. Don’t miss the holiday edition of Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede!

Recommended Campground: Branson City Campground

“Branson has so many interesting things to see and do and this campground gives you a place to camp that is easy to come and go from. Its its along Lake Taneycomo and offers a chance to relax, unwind, and enjoy some natural beauty!” — The Dyrt camper Lisa H.

4. Ogunquit, Maine

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You have a good chance of experiencing a white Christmas while holiday camping in Ogunquit, on the coast of Maine. The former artists’ colony is popular in the summer for its beaches, but the holiday season means the Christmas by The Sea Festival, which includes a beach bonfire and a chowder fest. Downtown Ogunquit has that quaint New England charm that’s perfect for Christmas, if you don’t mind the cold.

Recommended Campground: Moody Beach RV Campground

You probably won’t want to be in a tent during a Maine winter, but Moody Beach is great for RV campers. If you don’t have a big camping rig, check out the many vacation rentals along the beach.

5. Santa Claus, Indiana

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When Santa Fe, Indiana was forced to change its name (there was already another Santa Fe, IN), the town met on Christmas Eve to brainstorm, and landed on Santa Claus, Indiana. That festive identity has led to a tradition of year-round Christmas. When the official holiday season arrives, you can enjoy Christmas Dinner with Santa, a drive through Santa Claus Land of Lights, and an interactive performance of The Story of Santa Claus.

Recommended Campground: Lake Rudolph Campground-RV Resort 

“Lake Rudolph is a nicely themed campground, right in line with the nearby town, Santa Claus, IN. It is conveniently located beside one of the best theme parks in the midwest, Holiday World.” — The Dyrt camper Rick B.

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