Our recommendations for these cool camping gear gifts are based on providing value to campers across the country. Some articles may contain affiliate links. By purchasing through our articles, you help support this camping magazine.
Future tech has begun to take over countless fields, and the outdoors industry is no different. Those changes don’t have to mean days and nights in the wilderness will look different, however. The advent of cool camping gear items means campers of all types get to spend less time on the unimportant stuff and more time on the activities they love—whether that means an ultralight umbrella for backpackers, an all-in-one headlamp, or a battery-powered, wood-burning stove.
Elevate your Camping Game With These Cool Camping Gear Gifts
It can be tough to please the gear-heads in your life. They might be up on the latest gadgets months before you, leaving you in the dust and without a clue for a gift during the holiday season. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place: we’ve collected 10 cool camping gear gifts that are sure to keep you a step ahead from any savvy camper.
1. Snowpeak Hiking Umbrella
Snowpeak—Japan’s outdoorsy export—produces well-crafted gear and apparel with an eye toward design, so it’s no wonder they’re making some of the flashiest cool camping gear of 2019. Their ultralight hiking umbrella is one of our favorites (if you’re not convinced by the power of a hiking umbrella, here’s why you should be), and is the perfect unusual addition to any backpacker’s gear list.
Buy Now $452. Vivobarefoot Ultra III Bloom Outdoors Shoes
With sustainability at the forefront of many brands’ product lines this year, algae became an unlikely celebrity in the shoe world. Vivobarefoot’s Ultra III Bloom shoes are made from an algae -based foam that skirts plastics in favor of a natural, biodegradable option. Lightweight and stylish, these vegan outdoors shoes bring a new perspective to cool camping gear, showing a path to sustainability in the outdoors industry.
Buy Now $953. BioLite FirePit
This innovative fire pit from BioLite brings all the heat and no smoke—literally. This battery-powered, wood-burning campfire and grill might just be the future of car camping—complete with room for four logs, charcoal and a grill top to cook smoke-free. Flame intensity can even be controlled from your phone via Bluetooth, adding new definition to the phrase “hot tech.”
Buy Now $2004. The North Face Futurelight Gear
This brand-new permeable gear line from The North Face is both waterproof and breathable, making it the latest (and flashiest) rain gear designed for athletic pursuits. Whether you are snowboarding in deep powder, trail running in the rain, or need mittens that will keep your hands dry while mountaineering, this Futurelight technology will work wonders. The North Face’s new nano-spinning technology is making waves in the industry with its nuanced fiber designs. Want more proof on why Futurelight is a sturdy addition to any outdoor athletes’ closet? Check out Hilaree Nelson and Jim Morrisson wearing it throughout their recent summit and ski of Lhotse.
Buy Now $2005. Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker
For those who need their coffee and need it strong, the Nanopresso allows you to drink espresso anywhere. This little coffee maker can be used with regular coffee grounds or Nespresso cups making it versatile. Perfect who those people who feel the need to leave the campsite the morning to find a solid cup of joe in town.
Buy Now $796. HeadSpin Outdoors Light Kit

The Headspin Light Kit might just replace any backpacker’s standard headlamp, bike light, and flashlight. As versatile as it is accessible, the Headspin Light Kit is an ideal piece of cool camping gear, offering a multitude of ways to shine a light on any activity. Wear this on one backpacking trip, and it might cross over to every other outdoors activity you do.
Buy Now: $1697. Outdoor Element Fire Escape Carabiner
This brand new product just finished raising nearly $80,000 on their Kickstarter campaign. The Fire Escape carabiner is an upgraded and tweaked version of the company’s best-selling Firebiner. It’s titanium-coated stainless steel construction is strong enough to hold 100-lbs, and yet still weighs in at just 1.7 ounces. Outdoor Element calls the Fire Escape a “fire-starting, window-breaking, seat belt-cutting, bottle-popping, O2 tank-opening, every-day-carry, multi-tool carabiner”. No arguments from us.
Buy Now: $208. GCI Roadtrip Rocker Chair
This all-new road trip rocker is comfortable and easily portable. The chair is a full-size rocker that can easily fold up when you’re on the go. Additions in the technology include a deeper seat, ergonomic armrests and a mesh backrest. All your favorite features have remained: a carry bag, beverage holder, and a steel frame.
Buy Now $809. AfterShokz Aeropex Bone-Conduction Headphones
AfterShockz new Aeropex headphones are made to be durable. They are waterproof and sweat-proof to outlast intense workouts as well as wet weather conditions while at your campsite. AfterShokz headphones come with a silicone carrying case and 2 magnetic charging cables as well as earplugs. If you’re new to AfterShokz, they are out of ear headphones, using bone conduction technology that allows for awareness and comfort while you listen to your favorite tunes or podcasts.
Buy Now: $15910. Gregory Targhee Day Hike Pack
Gregory’s Targhee 32 is a perfect gift for the day hiker. Its new-and-improved materials provide defense against snow, rocks, sharp edges, and fast access to the avalanche rescue and snow tool compartment. This pack can be used as a day pack, climbing pack or for skiing. If you’re a climber or skiier, there is a helmet carry system for long approaches.
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