I bring my Kubb set with me whenever I go camping. It’s one of my favorite camping games that anyone can enjoy. Not sure how to play Kubb? Check out this video then go make some camping games for yourself!
How do you make a your very own Camping Kubb set? Easy!
To make one set you’ll need:
- one (1) 6′ piece of wood, 4″ x 4″
- two (2) 6′ dowels, 1.5″ – 2″
Step one: Make your King
Chop off 12″ of the 4″ x 4″. This is the wood for the king, which acts like the eight ball in the game of Kubb. Knock it over at the end to win, but if you knock it over early you lose. Either way it only gets hit once per game, and it often gets decorated to show off how important it is.
The amount of decoration is up to you. Some people make the King all fancy pancy. Me? I just cut a 12” chunk of the 4″ x 4″ and call it a day.
Step two:
Cut ten six-inch lengths and you have your ten kubbs.
Step three:
Cut the dowels into 14-inch chunks so you have ten in total.
This is a great throwing game and goes well with beer.
Let the camping games begin!
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