Fire is at the heart of camping. Your camp fire keeps you warm, repels the bugs, and draws people in for meals and late night conversation. It even helps us forget about our distracting phones with its dancing colors and flickering flames. Who needs Facebook when you have FIRE?
Matches and lighters are the obvious go-to’s for fire starting. So The Dyrt team was intrigued when we discovered a fire starter at Outdoor Retailer that is neither.
The TekFire LED Fuel-Free, Windproof Lighter Doesn’t Use a Flame
The TekFire LED Fuel-Free Lighter from UST (Ultimate Survival Technologies) is a unique device that lights fires with no flame or butane. You don’t have to worry about your matches getting soggy, or your lighter running out of fuel. It’s a windproof lighter and it works at any altitude.
It also comes with a handy light for those times when you wait a little too long to start the fire, as well as a wrist lanyard that unwinds into three feet of all-purpose paracord.
Our curiosity is ignited. And hopefully, so is your fire.
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