Camping stoves can be the nucleus of comfort for winter tent camping. They heat up the water for our camp coffee in the mornings and our hot toddies at night, giving us something to wrap our hands around and warm our insides. They cook our canned beans and our favorite freeze-dried mac & cheese. If your bar is high for these camping comforts, you’ll want a high-quality stove to match—especially in the cold.
The Stormbreaker Multi-Fuel Stove from SOTO Outdoors Can Handle It All
Voted the winner in “Hiking, Travel, and Camping” at ISPO 2019, the Stormbreaker Multi-Fuel stove is not your ordinary camping stove. Our team checked out the leader in lightweight camping cookware at this winter’s Outdoor Retailer and we were impressed by the first-of-its-kind fuel pressure indicator, allowing precise adjustments in heat and fast cook times with less gas.

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If you’re camping in windy weather, it helps that cookware sits low to the flame on the Stormbreaker, effectively blocking the elements. For even more weather protection, the fuel canister can be inverted. The concave burner design is the same one used in SOTO’s WindMaster stove, which received awards from Gear Institute and the Alpine Institutes Guides Choice.
Since those hearty meals take up some space, it’s handy to have an extra light stove on which to heat them; the Stormbreaker weighs in at just 443 grams and folds up into a convenient carrying pouch.
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