Camping gear. Sometimes, you don’t see it for years at a time (dark times). Other times, it’s all you have and your life literally depends on it. So, it’s necessary. But when you’re not using it, the problem remains: where do you put it?
Mountain Smith solves that problem with their innovative Modular Hauler 4.
It is pretty clear to see how it would come in handy. The Modular Hauler has 4 “modules,” essentially totes, that all fit into a large duffel-like underbelly.
We got to test the Modular Hauler 4 at the Outdoor Retailer show. It passed The Dyrt’s tests, so we wanted to share it with you.
Check it out:

Mountain Smith also makes a Modular Hauler 3, which has 3 modules instead of 4. Even their naming system is organized.
One bag for cooking gear, another for your backup rope and quickdraws… the options are endless.
What do you think? Helpful innovation, or innovation for its own sake? Read more on the Modular Hauler 4 here.
I think we can all agree, though, that this Cooler Tube is a necessary piece of innovation. Wear a six-pack on your back, in a tube:

Beer cans stack like ammunition in a cartridge, ready for delivery to their target.
With a quiver of beer at the ready, no camping trip will go beerless.
Thanks, Mountain Smith.
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