The #GetOutAndGO project is a 40-day tour of the US with over 20 brands, all in the name of celebrating America’s outdoors. Here’s why they’re doing it.

Every month, several never-before-seen outdoor companies emerge on Kickstarter or quietly in their basement around a simple mission: creating better outdoor gear. Whether it’s for biking or hiking or camping or carrying your things, the $646-billion outdoor industry is constantly growing.

Nearly all of these companies were started by people who loved the outdoors first, and wanted to start a company second.

Their founders saw a way to make the outdoor experience even better, and they believed themselves to be the only ones capable of filling their niche. So, they took action.

This spring, over 20 brands came together to celebrate their first love: the great outdoors.

But they’re doing it in a new way.

In addition to making gear that makes the outdoor experience better, these 20 brands have come together to make information on the outdoors more available. They’ve come together for the #GetOutAndGO project, a 40-day virtual tour of America’s outdoors.

What is the #GetOutAndGO project?

Every year, and every day for that matter, we see media from outdoor locations across the country–and often all the way across the country. While beautiful, they are not always very accessible.

The #GetOutAndGO project does something different.

It gets back to our outdoor origins: the spaces close to home that inspired us in the first place.

Every day, we’re highlighting a new location across the US. Our mission: to celebrate the spaces that don’t get as much fanfare as they should. The spaces that are set aside specifically for enjoying the outdoors. The spaces we can access from our homes, rather than from planes.

Because, while Yellowstone and Big Sur very much deserve to be on you bucket list, there’s so, so much more out there. And a lot of it is closer to home than we realize or even appreciate.

The Grand Prize of our #GetOutAndGO project is a $10,000 SylvanSport GO camper. This camper hauls your gear as a trailer, folds out to be your mobile kitchen, transforms into queen+ size beds, and all in a small, portable, easy-to-set-up package. Enter to win here.

Along the way, a different brand is giving away a $100+ daily prize to celebrate each location, and you can enter to win the grand prize: a $10,000 SylvanSport GO camper.

We hope this Spring you’re making plans to #GetOutAndGO, and if not, we hope this project will inspire you!

The Brands Behind the #GetOutAndGO Project

Here are the brands dedicating the next 40 days to the #GetOutAndGO project. Some are new, some are established, but all have one thing in common: a fierce love for the outdoors.

[accordion title=’Belmont Blanket‘]Belmont Blanket makes an #adventureblanket that’s as tough as your adventures are rough. Waterproof durability with Pendleton-style design, they’re a blanket you want indoors and outdoors, and on sunny days or soggy grounds.

Check out Belmont Blanket here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Beyond Clothing‘]Beyond Clothing makes clothing system designed for the worst of survival situations, so you can rest easy wearing their gear. Their numbered system makes layering straightforward for the roughest of conditions.

Check out Beyond Clothing’s clothing system here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Boost Oxygen

‘]Boost Oxygen gives you the boost you need to do more, better. Pressurized oxygen in a can, it is trusted by NFL teams, professional athletes, and everyday people alike. In a world that is increasingly taxing, pure oxygen may be the boost you need to keep going–or to relax and recover.

Read more about Boost Oxygen here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’ColdPruf‘]ColdPruf’s base layers are second to none. In any situation where layering is appropriate, reach for a ColdPruf baselayer to feel comfortable and ready for action.

ColdPruf’s base layers. Put ’em in your trunk and save your next camping trip.

Check out ColdPruf here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’CRKT Knives‘]Columbia River Knife and Tool takes knife-making to the next level. With expert designers behind every blade, they have figured out how to make exclusive designs for any activity available to all. I personally carry a CRKT Homefront with me at all times, and use it every day.

The Homefront™, disassembled in the field and ready to be cleaned. Great for campers.

Check out CRKT’s entire line of knives here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Grand Trunk

‘]Grand Trunk makes goods for the road. From hammocks to hooded travel pillows, when you travel with Grand Trunk you travel in comfort and style. And it should be noted, their goods are made for every road, from highways to dirt access roads. Take their gear into the backcountry or on an international adventure–you’ll be glad you did in both cases.

Peruse Grand Trunk’s full line of wares here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Green Goo‘]Green Goo makes deodorants, salves, and rubs that are the pinnacle of mass-market body care. With fully natural ingredients, you know you can trust what you’re putting on your (or your child’s, or your spouse’s, or your parent’s) skin. And what’s more–this sh*t works really, really well. I wear Green Goo deodorant every single day. Not because they’re our partner; simply because they’re the best.

See Green Goo’s full line of products here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Gregory Packs‘]If you’re going to hit the trail or travel the world, you’re going to want a Gregory Pack. Thru-hike the Appalachian trail or just set out for a day walking city streets. In either case, Gregory Packs are there to hold your goods, comfortably.

Check out all the options from Gregory Packs here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’High Hopes Hammocks‘]High Hopes Hammocks sells one thing: hammocks. And as part of each sale, they help people in need. From a hammock for the homeless to missions to Kenya, High Hopes not only lifts people up, they elevate lives.

Read more about the High Hopes mission here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Klymit‘]Klymit has perfected the art of sleeping outside, whether you’re on the ground or in a hammock. Overnight quick car camping trip? Sleep on Klymit. Backcountry weekend? Klymit. Touring the Andes? Klymit! Sleep is perhaps the single most important aspect of recovery (alongside food). Why not sleep better when you’re outdoors so you can see more, go further, and live more?

See Klymit’s full line of goods here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Leatherman‘]Leatherman makes multi tools to end all multi tools. If a multi tool were a person and it wanted to buy a multi tool, it would buy a Leatherman. They’re built for real life, and you’ll use yours more often than you’d expect.

The full line of Leatherman can be seen on their brand new site here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Lily Trotters

‘]Lily Trotters is named after the Lily Trotter bird, a bird so swift it can trot across lily pads without sinking. Lily Trotters makes the same light and easy movement possible with compression technology. Socks that are designed to enhance your performance, but also to look good. Too many compression socks look like they’re made for medical patients. Lily Trotters puts the fashion back in compression, because high performance can look good, too.

Check out Lily Trotters’ compression socks here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Mishmi Takin

‘]Mishmi Takin was born out of a frustrating experience in the Himalayas. Kapil Dev Singh was hiking the Mishmi hills while wearing waterproof boots and jacket. The humid hills forced his waterproof gear to hold in moisture, leaving him soaked and uncomfortable. So he set out to create products that are waterproof, yet breathable. And that’s exactly what he’s done with Mishmi Takin: created waterproof, breathable boots and jackets.

See Mishmi Takin’s full line of waterproof yet breathable products here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Mountain House‘]Mountain House’s adventure meals are chef-cooked, pre-packaged products for the backcountry, campsite, road trip, or emergency situation alike. Throw them in your bag, heat and add water, and enjoy a gourmet meal where ever your adventures take you.

See all Mountain House flavors and sizes here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’OOFOS‘]The original recovery shoe, Oofos are trusted by professional runners and hikers for their recovery properties. After a long run, day or travel, or time on your feet, put on a pair of Oofos and feel the OO. Speed up recovery time to get back out there, and feel great while you wait.

Check out all Oofos’ oo-inducing items here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Optic Nerve‘]Optic Nerve Eyewear is one of the few eyewear companies that is not owned by a massive conglomerate. Because they remain independent, they can sell designer styles with polarized lenses for less money. A brand name themselves, they put other conglomerate-owned brands to shame. When you pay for a pair of Ray-Bans or Oakleys, you’re paying the same parent company for an overpriced product. Keep your cash, get great glasses with Optic Nerve.

See all Optic Nerve’s styles here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Primus

‘]Primus stoves were the first stoves on Everest and endured missions into the arctic more than 100 years ago. Built with Swedish Engineering, Primus recently built out their US headquarters and has just started selling direct to consumers in the US. Quality stoves and camping goods from the backcountry to the beach.

Check out Primus’ products here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Roanline‘]Roanline is an online marketplace built for the modern explorer. With gear for the home, trail, and river, Roanline is a great place to round out your gear gaps with quality items.

See Roanline’s full lineup and shop their sales here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Saris

‘]Saris Racks let you take your bike from here to there with little more than a couple easy actions. Put the rack on you car, add a bike, and you have a recipe for a great afternoon of cycling the open road. There are few things better than a day exploring trails by bike, hopping in a lake, and settling in around a campfire for the night. Saris Racks make that possible.

Check out all Saris’ rack options here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Seattle Sports

‘]Seattle Sports believes in a world where “outdoors” and “everyday” are synonymous. Born out of a love for the outdoors, they have dedicated their lives to creating gear you want to have within arms reach at all times.

Check out their gear here.

[accordion title=’Showers Pass‘]Showers Pass makes some of the best high-visibility outdoor jackets, socks, and other cycling gear to thrive while you ride in all weather. They’re battle-tested by the ever-wet weather of the Pacific Northwest, and perfect whether you’re exploring on foot, by bike, or traveling the world.

Check out Showers Pass’ full lineup of items here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’SylvanSport‘]SylvanSport is the genius company behind the GO, a camper with a full queen size bed, which also doubles as a hauler for all your gear. Got kayaks and bikes and a big family in back? The GO will give you a home, a kitchen table, and a place to put all your gear. Touring the US and want a consistent place to sleep. The GO is for you. They’re the title sponsor of our #GetOutAndGO project, in which they’re giving away a GO.

Camping at Meat Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada. The GO’s frame holds all your gear, from bikes to boats. It’s your kitchen and living space then transforms internally to be the size of two queen beds.

Enter to win the SylvanSport GO camper here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Tentsile

‘]Tentsile makes tents that hang from trees. Combining slackline-like technology with elegantly simple engineering, they have created an entirely new way — and more comfortable way — to experience the outdoors.

A Tentsile three-pronged tent for comparison.

Check out all the Tentsile options here.[/accordion]

[accordion title=’Tredagain

‘]TREDAGAIN gives old tires new life by upcycling their rubber into a compound called APX, which is then used to create shoes. With a brand new line of styles for 2017, TREDAGAIN is making it easy to keep shoes on your feet and tires out of the earth.

Check out TREDAGAIN’s current and upcoming styles here.[/accordion]

The Dyrt is the only camping app with all of the public and private campgrounds, RV parks, and free camping locations in the United States. Download now for iOS and Android.

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