One piece of gear we’ve been on the lookout for is waterproof hiking boots that are also breathable. Hiking boots are often either waterproof or breathable — not both. Until now.
Meet Mishmi Takin’s Breathable, Waterproof Hiking Boots
Kapil Dev Singh, founder of Mishmi Takin, first realized the need for waterproof boots problem when he was hiking through the Eastern Himalayas and his waterproof gear wasn’t performing well in the heat and humidity.
While hiking in the Mishmi Hills of the Eastern Himalayas, Singh realized that modern hikers need something entirely new—gear that was highly water repellent and simultaneously light and breathable.
After a successful career as a supply chain consultant, Singh turned his professional skills to outdoor gear. He named his revolutionary new brand on the one hand after the Mishmi Takin, an endangered species of goat-antelope that live in the very hills through which he hiked when inspiration first struck.

Mishmi takin are herbivores and can live at extremely high altitudes in the Himalayas. Local legend has it that man carved the mishmi takin from a stone thrown away by the forest god, Golo, after which Golo breathed life into the carving, giving it life.
These Boots Were Born from the Wet Heat of the Lower Himalayas
At the heart of Singh’s waterproof but breathable gear is eVent technology, which relies on a 3-layer fabric system that keeps moisture out while carrying sweat and body heat away from your body via a one-way wicking system. Mishmi Takin employs this innovative new technology in making their Vibram rubber-soled boots as well as hard and soft shell jackets.
Many other outdoor gear brands tend to overlook hot, humid, and rainy climates, but Mishmi Takin’s breathable, adventure-tough gear gives you the ability to explore the world—from mountains to jungles to deserts and everywhere in between—in style and comfort.
Two Waterproof Hiking Boot Styles: Kameng and Jampui (Lightweight)

The Kameng standard-weight waterproof hiking boot from Mishmi Takin.
Mishmi Takin makes two styles of waterproof hiking boot: a standard version and a lightweight. The standard is called the Kameng ($185) and the lightweight is the Jampui ($135). Click here for men’s and here for women’s.
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