Think cooking while camping is more complex than it needs to be? Try this simple camping stove from Snow Peak.
Sometimes, campsite cooking can be complicated. You need to get the right gas canister and make sure you have the right parts, or you need to bring the right grill for your fire pit.
Take out the guesswork with Snow Peak‘s Pack & Carry Fireplace.

The foldable, packable stove from Snow Peak.
Cooking with Snow Peak’s Pack & Carry Fireplace is a straightforward process: set up the fireplace, make a fire, cook on top of it. Every time you go camping, all you have to do is follow the simple steps. No more getting to the campsite, thinking your gas is full only to find it empty. No more reading about a campsite’s grills only to arrive and find the grills long since removed. Just your simple grill, a fire you make on-site, and your food, cooked.
The Pack & Carry Fireplace comes in three sizes: small, medium, and large.

The Snow Peak Pack & Carry Fireplace with Grill Bridge.
Pair the Pack & Carry Fireplace with a Grill Bridge for simplest cooking use.
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