Kilby Lake Campground
Reviewed Oct. 16, 2023


The new“management” is horrible! I’m so glad we got out of there. Enjoyed it for many years until the owners gave it over to their daughter and her new husband to run into the ground. The only thing they are concerned about is making money and controlling the seasonal campers through threats. Everything you do“wrong” has a fine attached to it. The bathhouses are now beyond disgusting and they’re terrified that someone is going to sneak in and use their amenities(the only real amenity they have is a pool attached to the office). If you join the Kilby Lake Campground“family”, prepare yourself for the rudest emails you have ever received from someone who supposedly is providing a service you are paying for. The new management really needs to take a customer service course, since they apparently didn’t teach that at bicycle sales shops in California.