Pilot Knoll is a city campground on Lake Lewisville in the middle of Highland Village.
This park is in the middle of Highland Village. It is different driving to a campground and weaving through high end city neighborhoods to find the park. The lake is pretty and it is surrounded by huge homes built all around the lake.
The nice thing is there are a lot of amenities, a day use area, and an outfit that rents kayaks. Believe it or not it has hiking trails and equestrian trails in the park. The prices are middle to high range. You have to pay a daily park entrance fee of $10 on top of the $30-35 a day for non-resident campsites. Kayaks are $40 a day or 4 hours for $25.
The day use area is really nice with picnic benches and pavilions. This is a good camp if you care more about amenities then being in the wilderness.