Pace Bend RV Park
Reviewed Oct. 28, 2023


Whatever you do, don’t ask the manager Barrie for a copy of the rules when she attempts to conduct things to have you removed for. Highly mentally unstable manager, called the police on visitor because she claimed they“went into the laundry area” and“walked near the restrooms up the hill”. Threatened and then also removed full time tenant despite the tenant remedying the situation per manager request. Used vulgar language on multiple occasions, and in case anyone is interested, videos are available upon request. They speak for themselves if interested feel free to email requests over and we will happily provide them. PLEASE look around before coming to this park. If Barrie Hall is still managing, run the other way. You’re welcome. You may request further info at:

  • Who acts like this!?? There’s way more where this came from, just ask you shall receive! Barrie threatened to have the rv towed away DESPITE rent being paid ON TIME, DESPITE the fact of being long term rented never late, and DESPITE following her “orders” she STILL was B for no legitimate reason.
And to everyone she had/convinced/or paid to write the reviews last few weeks after she made me take mine down…..hope you got paid because nobody that had ever stayed there long term or that knows who that lady is….would EVER say that. If I were thinking about coming here and she was still here, ID ROLL ONWATDS!!! Nice try Barrie. 😂
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