Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park
Crystal C.The Dyrt PRO User
Reviewed Apr. 30, 2019

Ranger Review: Primus Trail Backpacking Stove At Boulderdash Cabin & RV

Texas is such a large state finding great campgrounds can quickly get a little overwhelming. There are so many amazing outdoor spaces and camping options that unless you really have something specific in mind you can get caught up comparing sites trying to determine which is the perfect fit for you.  

This has always been the case for me in my home state and I feel as though I have missed many great locations as a result. One hidden gem I hadn’t yet discovered was Boulderdash Cabin And RV on Lake Medina just outside of Bandera.

I was pleased to have this one brought to my attention and after booking through The Dyrt’s new online booking system I packed up my car in anticipation of a great trip down south. My original day to visit was met by some of the unpredictable Texas weathers, torrential downpour lasting 2 two days. I say that to say this, the campground owner and hosts were fully understanding of the predicament of me being a tent camper and unable to fully be able to enjoy the location in such conditions.  As a result they allowed me to push my reservation, something many campgrounds would not be so accommodating to do. 

This set the tone for my trip and was echoed throughout my stay, amazing and kind customer service!

CLICK HERE For Full Video Review

Campground Review:

Finally arriving at my site mid afternoon after a long drive, I was ready to get out and explore but also relax. I was greeted by the campground hosts upon my arrival with such a pleasant and welcoming reception. They showed me to my site, gave me a short tour of the small camp and told me a bit about the area so I could fully enjoy the amenities and know what to expect for a nights stay at the location.

Amongst the highlights were the lake where you can fish, kayak, take in the sun or have a great moment around the fire ring, the nightly deer feeding just alongside the entry road and an additional patio for sunning or enjoying a peaceful retreat.

The camp itself is very small, but with that comes a lot of charm. They did mention that there is currently underway an expansion possibly on the waterfront for additional tent camping options to expand the single tent site now available.  For those visiting in an RV there are several spaces available currently with substantial parking area for larger units in addition to the lake cabin featuring 3 bedrooms and an ample porch for outdoor entertaining. 

The charm of the campground is definitely in the details from painted rocks around the patio area, the campground mascots hanging out at key places for interaction, the unique bathhouse created from a small horse trailer and equipped with rustic finishings and the deer corn and bird seed left for each camper so they can interact more with their surroundings. This is a place which uniquely unveils itself the more you explore.

I had seen photos of the location but did not fully know what to expect, and boy was I surprised at how different my visit was than other reviewers from the site. When I arrived the lake was almost to the top of the camp border retainer wall, unlike other photos which I had seen when there was little to no water to explore.  Apparently the earlier in the season the more water usually you will find because later in the season the water is used for irrigation in surrounding areas and it becomes very low. Spring and early summer is the ideal time for lake related activities while late summer and fall are more about the discovery you can find along the banks and bed of the lake, which is more like hiking in my opinion.


  • Book in advance, especially if tent camping due to limited space. The Dyrt booking system is a perfect way to do this because it is extremely user friendly and allows you to communicate with the owner directly after your booking is confirmed if you have questions or any changes which need to be made before your reservation. 
  • GPS can be a bit tricky on the lake roads. While getting to the general proximity works well, the division of roads can be hit or miss with some GPS systems.  I use an Iphone and it had me take an extra block just to get to ultimately the same location I could have been a couple of minutes earlier had it have told me just to go straight.
  • Take advantage of the patio down the hill by the water. There is a full picnic table, 4 loungers and a fire ring with benches in this area. You can drive down or walk down, set up and have a great meal right by the water. 
  • Don’t forget to ask about kayaks! There are 2 kayaks available for rent, you need only ask in advance to reserve them for your usage.

For More Information About Fishing At Lake Medina CLICK HERE

For More Information About Bandera CLICK HERE

Product Review:

As a Ranger for the Dyrt, in addition to having access to great campgrounds, I also am given the opportunity to try and review products and gear best suited for my active camping lifestyle. For my trip to Baulderdash I was able to prepare all my meals using the Primus Power Trail Backpacking Stove With Piezo.

I was a little worried I wouldn’t have the stove before my trip with only a couple of weeks between booking and estimated camping date, however from order to delivery there was less than a week’s time, arriving well before I departed for my trip. To be honest I didn’t want to try it out or anything until I arrived at my campsite so I could get a true feel for the size, the function and overall experience since this was my first Primus item.

**First Impression: **

The size seemed a good fit for what I was looking for.  I have used a camping stove previously and knew I wanted something similar in size but also something which would address all my previous concerns with the other brand. 

What Were My Previous Brand Concerns?:

  • Uneven Heating
  • Wind 
  • Heating Time
  • Starting
  • Balancing

With all these concerns, I decided to play it safe and make sure I had the instructions with me just in case. (Available in multiple languages) And while I did read them, I really didn’t have to because the stove was very user friendly when I actually started assembling it. (I would suggest a new user who has never used a backpacking stove to give it a quick once over)

I opted for this stove because of its 4 stove balancing points. My previous stove had only 3 and many times it made it difficult to balance when my surface was not entirely even or if my food was slightly shifted in my pan. The 4 points are pulled upward from their fold and locked into place tightly, giving another layer of security to me when using the stove and checking off one of my concerns.

The stove attaches to your propane bottle by screwing it onto the top.  With this you want to have a firm hold because if it is not screwed on tight enough it will not start. You will quickly know if it isn’t on tight enough when you twist the piezo because you will not hear the gas flowing. I learned this on the second use when I was making my breakfast and I thought I had broken it by not putting it in my bag the same way it had been previously. Gave me a little panic, only to discover it was operator error not stove damage.

Having the piezo and igniter fully eliminated my frustrations which came from starting and lighting the previous stove, which I always felt was a bit dangerous because you would have to ignite it right at the source of the gas and many times it would intensely flair up. The Primus keeps you at a safe distance from the actual starting of the flame so check off another concern!

To cook on the stove I opted to really test its heating ability. I did so using chilled water, wanting to see just how long it actually would take to bring it to a rolling boil for use on a variety of common camping needs.  Less than 10 minutes and my water was rolling and steaming maxing out temps high enough for pretty much anything I could ever need from creating an egg omelet in a sandwich bag, hydrating a meal, boiling water safe consumption or making piping hot water thermos for keeping warm in my tent on a cold night. 

In my opinion, the timing was very good. In addition, though there was a bit of wind it seemed to continue burning consistently instead of all of the flames shifting to a single side.  While I didn’t test the overall even cooking because I had only boiled water I can only assume from the other results that this also would be addressed and answered by the balancing and also even flame.

I hydrated a dehydrated meal for dinner, anyone who has done this before knows if the water isn’t warm enough it will not cook through and you will be eating pure crunchy starch. That meal turned out great! In the morning, I made my protein packed oatmeal with dehydrated fruits and a coffee.  Layering the fruits on the bottom to allow them the most access to hydrating following with oats and protein powder I was able to with the Primus create a breakfast quality mirroring that of what I could have made with a full kitchen at home requiring a stove, chopping block and coffee maker, all with a single burner.


  • Try the Primus pots to cook with on the stove. Designed by Primus the materials are durable and have a non-stick element to them that is unmatched in my opinion. Not to mention by using these you are guaranteed an even cook because they are designed with the perfect dimensions for the cook surface and when using you will not have to worry about your pot or pan being sized to large on your surface and becoming tipsy.
  • Store items together. If you do choose to use the Primus pots and pans, you can easily store your Power Trail Backpacking Stove within its pouch and inside the pots and pans to reduce your footprint in you bag or when storing your items when not traveling. Think of those nesting dolls and how they stow one inside another, this is basically the same thing.

For Full Product Review Video CLICK HERE

Month of VisitMay
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019
  • Review photo of Boulderdash Cabin & RV Park by Crystal C., April 30, 2019