Beautiful spring. Tight campspots. Lots of motor boats.
The Big Spring is really pretty and we appreciated learning about the geology of the area. The campsites were tight. The pads were small and short. Campers had to part their vehicles on the grass. There were no private campsites that I observed. (I always appreciate some foliage and privacy between campsites so you feel like you are camping in nature rather than a parking lot. During the week there were less campers so you felt like you had some space but on the weekend it was cramped with cars and trailers.
I did not find the access to the river easy or convenient. We were in t he 200 loop. There was an access off the 100 loop that had stairs and then a short cliff (say 10 feet high?) with a rope that you had to hang on to while you backed down the cliff then waded across some shallow water. Not very conducive to transporting supplies for a day at the river. The second access off the three hundred loop was a bit easier to negotiate. It involved a100 yard (guesstimate) walk in the woods through deep sand then an easier scale down a bank and across a large gravel bar to reach the river. The water was clear and refreshing. Good fishing and a nice swim area. The downside for me was the very fast motor boats that would speed by. The drivers of the boats would not slow down for kayaks or people tubing. This behavior was surprising to me although I was told that this is normal on Missouri rivers and lakes.
Considering the motorized boats and the more challenging access to the river, I think I prefer Sam A Baker and Buffalo Point AK over this campground.