Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds
Reviewed May. 25, 2018

winter hike and overnight for the experienced

Winter season review. Check the weather, then check it again. The only way winter camping appeals to me is if i am skiing or going to a hot spring. This trip did neither. The mission was a 17 mile round trip hike to Conundrum Hot Springs. 2,457' elevation gain to 11,000'. The hike in was great most of the way. The crampons switched to snow shoes a few miles in, we were all by ourselves, and the trail was amazingly scenic. The elevation climbs, but its gradual. Only a few steep sections. I highly recommend having a map or a phone app w the trail and GPS. It was sometimes a bit tricky to pick up the trail, since there was snow on the ground. There's a parking lot before the trail, but it may be inaccessible if there's a lot of snow bc the road in is plowed but the lot isnt. We had to park another .5 mile away. The snow started falling softly by midday, and the temps stayed around 35F until late afternoon. As we approached the dispersed campground area just before the hot spring, the trail simply disappeared. We were only .25 miles from our reward: private hot spring and whisky. Maybe it was because hiking this last uphill part was in knee deep snow (bc we were now off trail). Maybe it was the 7 hrs of having this 45lb pack on, or maybe it was both, but we had to stop, rest, and make camp in the campground area. There was little daylight left at this point. We popped up our tents, insulated like crazy, and settled in for the night while the snow fell around us. Next morning, despite yesterday's ambitions, we abandoned the idea of sitting in hot water and opted to put on our frozen boots and get the hell outta there. It was a much easier hike back…until the open meadows where the snow from the night before had filled in our trail. Or those parts where the snow was blowing in your face. Ah, the ice beard. My buddy is a great person to lead in those situations. Has a few years on me. We made it out, alive, all with the sense of "Ok now i know i can do that and yep i know my limit" and a LOT of trail cred. Bring a shovel to help u make an even ground for your tent. You won't have any trouble finding a spot in winter. Only the crazies do this kinda thing.

Month of VisitFebruary
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018
  • Review photo of Conundrum Hot Springs Dispersed Campgrounds by Daniel  B., May 25, 2018