Zephyr Cove Resort
Reviewed Jun. 1, 2018

A wonderful place to grow up camping

Our family camped here every summer when I was growing up. The waters of Lake Tahoe were much clearer and far less crowded then (1950s - 1960s), so we often had an entire beach along the northeastern shore to ourselves when we took our boat out for the day.

It was a special place for my mom, too: she grew up in Reno and attended Campfire Girls summer camps there in the 1930s.

Even after all of the development and human impacts, Zephyr Cove and Lake Tahoe are very nice spots for family camping and outings. Try it after Labor Day, when many summer-season tourists leave, if you are ready for chilly weather and the occasional early-season snowfallin exchange for a quieter experience.

Month of VisitSeptember