Best Tent Camping near Aspen, CO

Looking for tent camping near Aspen? Find the best information on tent camping near Aspen, including sites, reviews, and tips for getting the most out of your camping experience. Each spot offers quick access to one or more of Aspen, Colorado's most popular destinations.

Best Tent Sites Near Aspen, Colorado (56)

    Lorene N.'s photo of tent camping at Portal Campground near Aspen, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Portal Campground near Aspen, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Portal Campground near Aspen, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Portal Campground near Aspen, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Portal Campground near Aspen, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Portal Campground near Aspen, CO

    1. Portal Campground

    26 Reviews
    147 Photos
    1874 Saves
    Aspen, Colorado

    Portal Campground is located eleven miles southeast of Aspen on Independence Pass Road and seven miles south on Lincoln Creek Road at an elevation of 9,400'. Campers can access some wonderful day hikes from this location as well as terrain for motorcycle riding, mountain biking, ATV riding, fishing and horseback riding, among other recreation activities. Portal Campground has 5 campsites with limited spurs. 5 day stay limit. High clearance vehicles are required and 4x4 recommended.

    • Pets
    • Fires
    • Tents
    • Group
    • Standard (Tent/RV)
    • Picnic Table
    Brielle E.'s photo of tent camping at Twin Lakes Dispersed Camping - Site 2 West near Granite, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Twin Lakes Dispersed Camping - Site 2 West near Granite, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Twin Lakes Dispersed Camping - Site 2 West near Granite, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Twin Lakes Dispersed Camping - Site 2 West near Granite, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Twin Lakes Dispersed Camping - Site 2 West near Granite, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Twin Lakes Dispersed Camping - Site 2 West near Granite, CO

    2. Twin Lakes Dispersed Camping - Site 2 West

    11 Reviews
    42 Photos
    1097 Saves
    Granite, Colorado
    • Pets
    • Fires
    • Phone Service
    • Tents
    • Group
    • Standard (Tent/RV)
    Brittany B.'s photo of tent camping at Boreas Pass Road Designated Dispersed Camping near Blue River, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Boreas Pass Road Designated Dispersed Camping near Blue River, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Boreas Pass Road Designated Dispersed Camping near Blue River, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Boreas Pass Road Designated Dispersed Camping near Blue River, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Boreas Pass Road Designated Dispersed Camping near Blue River, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Boreas Pass Road Designated Dispersed Camping near Blue River, CO

    3. Boreas Pass Road Designated Dispersed Camping

    37 Reviews
    102 Photos
    2100 Saves
    Blue River, Colorado

    This designated dispersed camping area along County Road 10 has 23 sites.

    **Please note: Camping is ONLY allowed in areas designated by a sign. ** Camping in undesignated spots could result in a citation from the U.S. Forest Service. Not adhering to camping duration maximums or using U.S. Forest land for residential purposes could result in a citation from the U.S. Forest Service.

    Please refer to special orders and contact the USFS Offices with questions:

    Regulations pertaining to designated dispersed camping are as follows:

    Camp only in designated sites.

    No camping at trailheads.

    Food and garbage must be properly secured in bear-resistant containers or inside vehicles in sealed containers.

    Pack out all waste: human, garbage, paper, organics, etc.

    There are many dispersed camping opportunities in the forest ranging from backpacking to car-camping along designated Forest Roads. Visitors are encouraged to minimize resource impacts by utilizing established sites rather than creating new ones. Dispersed camping sites along Forest Roads are shown on Motor Vehicle Use Maps, which are available free of charge at ranger district offices.At the start of the tour you immediately have spectacular views of the Blue River Valley and the majestic Tenmile Range. The road, managed by Summit County, follows the old South Park and Pacific Railroad bed, climbing on a gradual 3% grade. The road climbs past Bakers Tank to the summit of Boreas Pass at the Continental Divide. The road then continues down the other side of Boreas Pass for another 10.4 miles to the town of Como in Park County. From 1872 to 1938 the road was used as a narrow-gauge railroad and gained fame as the nation’s highest narrow-gauge railroad, running from Como to Breckenridge. This is a great road to view Fall colors. This road is open to highway legal vehicles only during May-October, and closed to motorized vehicle access seasonally at Summit County discretion, generally October to May.

    • Pets
    • Fires
    • Phone Service
    • Tents
    • Group
    • Dispersed
    Corey B.'s photo of tent camping at Four Pass Loop - West Maroon to Buckskin near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Four Pass Loop - West Maroon to Buckskin near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Four Pass Loop - West Maroon to Buckskin near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Four Pass Loop - West Maroon to Buckskin near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Four Pass Loop - West Maroon to Buckskin near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Four Pass Loop - West Maroon to Buckskin near Snowmass Village, CO

    4. Four Pass Loop - West Maroon to Buckskin

    3 Reviews
    18 Photos
    60 Saves
    Snowmass Village, Colorado

    Overnight permit required for overnight stays within the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Overnight Permit Zones.

    ALERT: Due to recent bear activity, bear canisters are required for all backpackers in the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness. The famous Four Pass Loop backpacking route within Maroon Bells – Snowmass Wilderness is an international treasure. This 26 mile (42 km) circuit climbs over four mountain passes higher than 12,000ft, past clear alpine lakes and among the rugged Elk Range peaks. Thousands of people every summer make the journey to see these sights. Make sure to plan ahead and know before you go! Early summer snowmelt makes the river crossing perilous and deep snow persists on the passes until late in the summer. Sudden thunderstorms can catch travelers exposed far from the cover of tree-line in mid-summer and snow fall returns to the high country early. Please observe all recommendations and regulations to help the US Forest Service protect this unique experience and wild landscape for all. View a downloadable trail guide: Four Pass Loop Trail Guide (PDF) View select campsite location & restrictions (PDF)

    Food, trash and any scented items must be stored in an IGBC approved bear resistant container. Human food habituated bears are a threat to human safety. Visitors without approved bear resistant containers will be ticketed and required to leave. You must have a plan for human waste. Human waste bags (WAG) bags are highly recommended and are available free of charge at the Conundrum Creek and Snowmass Lake trailheads. WAG bags must be packed out. Learn more about how to use a WAG bag. If a WAG bag is not used, visitors are required to deposit solid human waste in holes dug 6 to 8 inches deep at least 200 feet (70 paces) from water, camp and trails. Group size is limited to 10 with no more than 15 stock animals in one group. Large groups multiply impacts to the wilderness and disrupt the solitude of others. Dogs are prohibited in the Conundrum Creek Valley from Silver Dollar Pond to Triangle Pass, including the hot springs. Everywhere else, dogs must be leashed. Campfires are prohibited at all designated sites at Conundrum Hot Springs, Capitol Lake, Crater Lake and above 10,800 feet including Snowmass Lake. Campfires consume wood, accumulate trash, kill fragile alpine vegetation, sterilize the soil and scar the land. Lightweight camp stoves are recommended. Campers must camp in designated sites at Conundrum Hot Springs, Copper Lake, Crater Lake, Geneva Lake, Capitol Lake and Thomas Lakes. Everywhere else campers should set up more than 100 feet from lakes, streams and trails and use previously impacted campsites. Camp out of sight of others and away from fragile areas. As with all designated Wilderness, motorized and mechanized equipment is prohibited including bicycles, motorbikes, chainsaws, ATVs, carts, drones, hang gliders and paragliders. This equipment is prohibited to provide visitors with a primitive recreational experience and to preserve outstanding opportunities for solitude.

    • Pets
    • Fires
    • Tents
    • Group
    Camper-submitted photo at Lincoln Creek Dispersed near Aspen, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Lincoln Creek Dispersed near Aspen, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Lincoln Creek Dispersed near Aspen, CO

    5. Lincoln Creek Dispersed

    2 Reviews
    2 Photos
    99 Saves
    Aspen, Colorado
    • Pets
    • Fires
    • Tents
    • Dispersed
    • Picnic Table
    • Alcohol
    Camper-submitted photo at Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness - Crater Lake Campground near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness - Crater Lake Campground near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness - Crater Lake Campground near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness - Crater Lake Campground near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness - Crater Lake Campground near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness - Crater Lake Campground near Snowmass Village, CO

    6. Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness - Crater Lake Campground

    2 Reviews
    7 Photos
    35 Saves
    Snowmass Village, Colorado

    Overnight stays at Crater Lake require advanced overnight permit reservations, which must be purchased at

    Camping at Crater Lake is only permitted in designated sites, and overnight guests are required to bring bear canisters for food storage.

    WAG bags are highly recommended for human waste removal/management, but not required. If not using WAG bags, please understand and follow proper human waste disposal techniques.

    • Pets
    • Reservable
    • Tents

    $10 / night

    Janice M.'s photo of tent camping at Halfmoon Campground near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Halfmoon Campground near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Halfmoon Campground near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Halfmoon Campground near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Halfmoon Campground near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Halfmoon Campground near Red Cliff, CO

    7. Halfmoon Campground

    8 Reviews
    29 Photos
    247 Saves
    Red Cliff, Colorado

    Bear activity has been increasing. For this reason a food storage order is in effect at all developed campgrounds on the Eagle/Holy Cross Ranger District, and the Piney Gaurd Station, Tigiwon Lodge, Mount of the Holy Cross Overlook, Homestake Road FSR 703, and Nolan Creek Road. This order requires all food and refuse to be stored in hard-sided vehicles, approved bear-resistant containers, or supended at least 10 feet clear of the ground at all points and four feet horizontally from any supporting tree or pole. This order has been issued to provide for public safety and wildlife conservation. Hopefully it will reduce wildlife habituation problems. The Halfmoon Campground is located at the top of Tigiwon Road #707 near the boundary for the Holy Cross Wilderness in a forested setting; all wilderness regulationsmust be observed when traveling in the wilderness (foot and horse travel only). This campground is located at the trailheads for several hiking trails and is heavily used by hikers who are climbing Mount of the Holy Cross. Due to the nature of the Forest Road to the campground and the short parking spurs within the campground, the Halfmoon Campground is not suitable for most RVs. There is a printable Recreation Quicksheet for this campground which is complete with directions, details, and other information about this campground.

    • Pets
    • Fires
    • Phone Service
    • Tents
    • Group
    • Standard (Tent/RV)
    Camper-submitted photo at Homestake Reservoir Rd Milemarker 3 - Dispersed near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Homestake Reservoir Rd Milemarker 3 - Dispersed near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Homestake Reservoir Rd Milemarker 3 - Dispersed near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Homestake Reservoir Rd Milemarker 3 - Dispersed near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Homestake Reservoir Rd Milemarker 3 - Dispersed near Red Cliff, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Homestake Reservoir Rd Milemarker 3 - Dispersed near Red Cliff, CO

    8. Homestake Reservoir Rd Milemarker 3 - Dispersed

    7 Reviews
    28 Photos
    318 Saves
    Red Cliff, Colorado

    There are many dispersed camping opportunities on the forest ranging from backpacking to car-camping along designated Forest Roads. Visitors are encouraged to minimize resource impacts by utilizing established sites rather than creating new ones. Dispersed camping sites along Forest Roads are shown on Motor Vehicle Use Maps, which are available free of charge at ranger district offices.

    Visitors are permitted to drive vehicles up to 300 feet from designated routes for purposes of dispersed camping as long as no resource damage is incurred in the process. Dispersed camping within 100 feet of lakes, streams, and forest system trails is prohibited unless otherwise designated. Campers may stay for a maximum of 14 days. Some areas may have additional special restrictions.

    Reduce Resource Damage

    Avoid making new impacts. Whenever possible, use an existing campsite rather than creating a new one. Dispose of human waste, including toilet paper, carefully. Use self-contained waste disposal systems whenever possible. When unavailable, deposit solid human waste in catholes dug 6 – 8 inches deep and at least 200 feet from water, camp sites, and roads or trails. Cover and disguise the cathole when finished. Properly manage sanitation. Dispose of waste, gray water, sewage, and sewage treatment chemicals from self-contained toilets at authorized facilities provided for that purpose. Pack it in, pack it out. Do not leave behind any waste or litter. Leave no trace. Leave established sites in better condition than you found them. Leave new sites in as natural condition as you found them. Don’t move firewood. Moving firewood long distances can help spread harmful pests. Use only locally sourced or dead or downed firewood. Be bear aware. You are in bear country. Leave food, trash, and all items with fragrance (e.g., toothpaste, deodorant) in vehicle, bear-proof canisters, or suspended in bear bags. Do not eat in your tent. Visit the Colorado Division of Wildlife's web site for more information.

    • Pets
    • Fires
    • Tents
    • Dispersed
    Camper-submitted photo at East Maroon Portal Picnic Site near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at East Maroon Portal Picnic Site near Snowmass Village, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at East Maroon Portal Picnic Site near Snowmass Village, CO

    9. East Maroon Portal Picnic Site

    1 Review
    2 Photos
    42 Saves
    Snowmass Village, Colorado


    East Maroon Portal Picnic Site sits next to Maroon Creek, offering spectacular views of aspen and evergreen forests. The area is an excellent gathering spot for families, group gatherings and parties.

    Reputed to be the most photographed mountains in Colorado, the spectacular Maroon Bells dominate this setting. The picnic area is available for use by the general public, but can be reserved for private events. This is the only site available in the Maroon Bells Scenic Area for wedding receptions.

    Natural Features:

    Located in White River National Forest, the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness is one of the five original Colorado wilderness areas designated by the 1964 Wilderness Act. Scenery includes aspen groves, meadows of wildflowers and dark forests of spruce and fir that rise up from the valleys to alpine landscapes. Here, bighorn sheep, pika, and ptarmigan find habitat above timberline.

    Towering over glacial valleys at over 14,000 feet in elevation, the Maroon Bells are the most recognizable peaks in the Elk Mountain range. Unlike other mountains in the Rockies composed of granite and limestone, the Maroon Bells are made up of metamorphic sedimentary mudstone that give the peaks their maroon color and unstable nature for climbing.


    Nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, the 2.3 million acre White River National Forest is one of the top recreation Forests in the nation.

    For hikers and backpackers, the Maroon-Snowmass Trail epitomizes the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Starting from the Snowmass Creek Trailhead, the trail winds through aspen groves, crosses streams and switchbacks through forests. Climbing to alpine terrain, backpackers will find high mountain lakes and a smattering of wildflowers in early summer. Designated camping sites are located at Crater Lake or Maroon Lake about 6 miles from the trailhead. Visitors should check regulations for camping in Colorado wilderness areas.


    This picnic area is available for use by the general public, but can be reserved for private events for a fee. This is the only site available in the Maroon Bells Scenic Area for wedding receptions.

    The picnic area has 3 large picnic tables and can accommodate up to 75 people.

    Vehicle traffic is restricted on Maroon Creek Road from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. past the Maroon Bells Welcome Station. Individuals who reserve this picnic site are issued five vehicle passes which allow travel in a motorized vehicle past this point.

    Options for access to the site include parking at Aspen Highlands Ski Area and shuttling guests in cars possessing vehicle permits or riding the Maroon Bells Shuttle Bus. Operating hours for the shuttle bus are 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. for a fee of $6 per adult and $3 per child or senior.

    Details of the recreation event or wedding must be disclosed and approved prior to day of the event. This includes items to be brought onto the site. Bird seed, confetti, electric music and PA systems are prohibited at the site.

    Visitors are required to remove or dispose of decorations after events. Dumpsters are located in nearby campgrounds. Accessible vault toilets are available at this site.

    Nearby Attractions:

    The nearby town of Aspen is a popular destination for visitors to the area. From downhill skiing and world-class fly fishing, to dining and resorts, there are a multitude of outdoor and indoor opportunities in this mountain town.

    • Reservable
    • Tents
    • Group
    Christina A.'s photo of tent camping at Kite Lake near Fairplay, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Kite Lake near Fairplay, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Kite Lake near Fairplay, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Kite Lake near Fairplay, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Kite Lake near Fairplay, CO
    Camper-submitted photo at Kite Lake near Fairplay, CO

    10. Kite Lake

    13 Reviews
    47 Photos
    284 Saves
    Fairplay, Colorado

    Kite Lake Campground is located 5.5 miles NW of Alma on CR 8. It has five campsites and none are recommended for trailers; camping season begins in May and continues until the road is snowed in. The camping fee is $12.00 per night with a $3.00 day-use parking fee. Facilities include fire ring, tables, and outhouse toilets, but there is no water and no trash service at this campground. Campsites at Kite Lake are first-come, first-serve.

    • Pets
    • Fires
    • Phone Service
    • Tents
    • Standard (Tent/RV)
    • Picnic Table

    $5 - $15 / night

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Showing results 1-10 of 56 campgrounds

Recent Tent Reviews near Aspen, Colorado

1533 Reviews of 56 Aspen Campgrounds

  • Lyle R.
    Camper-submitted photo from Gore Creek Campground
    Jun. 8, 2020

    Gore Creek Campground

    Great campground close to vail

    Stayed at the tent camp site. Very nice. Close to the bike trail which was nice, rode up to vail pass. Beautiful. There is some noise from the freeway but if you are closer to the river it shouldn't be too bad. The tent sites are hike in but it is not far to walk.

  • Erik S.
    Camper-submitted photo from White River National Forest Silver Bell Campground
    Sep. 7, 2020

    White River National Forest Silver Bell Campground

    Really amazing location!

    Silver Bell campground has stunning views and although the campsites are kind of small without an abundance of privacy, the view and the sound of the river really makes up for it. I’ve camped here twice, once in site 9 and once in site 10 and I’ve camped here in June and in September. I think the best campsites here are the walk-in tent sites and specifically sites 9, 10 and 11. The scenery is magnificent and it gets even better if you drive up the road and go for a hike at the lake. Reservations are not accepted and this is a major tourist destination so what I do when I want to camp here is I make reservations for a nearby campground(Difficult campground) and I stay there until a campsite becomes available at Silver Bell and then I let the host at Difficult know they can release my site because I’m moving to Silver Bell. Bear bins are provided in each campsite. If you come here in the fall, temperatures at night can be cold. A nice treat about camping near Aspen is getting take-out from one of the great restaurants in town.

  • Mackenzie B.The Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from White River National Forest Heaton Bay Campground
    Jun. 11, 2018

    White River National Forest Heaton Bay Campground

    360 view right on the lake!

    • 14 day/night stay max.
    • $24 a night for tent or RV camping (there are way more hook-up sites over tent sites. Loop D is one of the two options for tent camping and I highly recommend any of the sites in that loop.)

    Bring your fishing pole, SUP, kayak, or hammock to hang out by the lake. This is my favorite campground in Colorado for the accessibility to the lake and town nearby.

  • Kelly G.The Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Difficult Campground
    Aug. 25, 2021

    Difficult Campground

    Cozy with bike trail access

    I rooftop tent camped here before hiking Maroon Bells Four Pass Loop. The campgrounds have easy access to the hike/bike trail into Aspen. Restrooms were clean, my site had shade and bear boxes and was easy to get into. I will definitely be back.

  • Megan  E.The Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Gunnison KOA
    Oct. 25, 2021

    Gunnison KOA

    Favorite KOA

    Within minutes from Hartman’s Rocks and one of the only KOAs that has so much grass. We rented a cabin, no refrigerator or AC, and it was perfect for a fall trip. The colors of the Aspen made the entire area golden. Cabins are slightly close together. Would definitely tent camp and enjoy the grass and fire pits next visit.

  • L
    Camper-submitted photo from Father Dyer
    Jul. 29, 2019

    Father Dyer

    Not a bad site

    Tent camping spots didn’t really have a flat spot to put the tent (atleast the one I was in). Had to put my tent in a slope. But restrooms and camping sites were clean.

  • Kevin A.
    Camper-submitted photo from Glenwood Canyon Resort
    Jun. 20, 2019

    Glenwood Canyon Resort

    Incredible tent spots

    Falling asleep to the sound of the Colorado River literally 3 feet away is just wonderful, well worth the $54/night for a tent site. Great heated bathrooms, only a few minutes from town, no issues with noisy neighbors for us. Super great

  • VThe Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Adam Campground
    Jun. 17, 2021

    Adam Campground

    More Tent / Walk-In Camping

    The stream is nice, camping area is pretty small, maybe 3-4 tent sites. Drive in camping site is rutted and I didn’t feel comfortable driving van up into it. There were a few minor red flags; a large tent was set up in the back of the site, however no one ever showed up to occupy. Also a mule deer carcass was dumped between tent sites. I ended up parking off the side of the road for the night. It is close to Sylvan Lake. I would likely not camp here again as a van camper. Could work for tent campers.

  • Jenn G.
    Camper-submitted photo from White Star
    Jul. 20, 2019

    White Star


    They have drinking water & firewood available.

    Great views from my tent site.

  • C
    Camper-submitted photo from BV Overlook
    Dec. 1, 2020

    BV Overlook

    Buena Vista

    Lives up to the Beautiful View in the foot hills of Presidential Peaks. Tent camped in August and woke up one morning at 38 degrees. Very nice and clean.

  • David L.The Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Pearl Pass Dispersed Camping
    Jul. 16, 2024

    Pearl Pass Dispersed Camping

    High clearance and rocky

    Just past the ghost town of Ashcroft you start your travels off road. A sign tells you only the numbered sights 1-9 are authorized for fires in metal pits. Before long you come across site 1 directly across from a stream, shortly followed by site 2. The road turns and steepens you drive for a while and come to site 3. This is where I camped. We had a stream across the road and one behind us. The noise from the water was tranquil. Mesquitos were present as well as ants. Did not view any wildlife. We camped in a tent and the site was mostly level with some rocks. I walked up to site 4 and it had many more rocks. I did not investigate further. We only stayed one night. It was beautiful though not much to see in nearby Aspen (very expensive for supplies).

  • Lynn J.
    Camper-submitted photo from Oh Be Joyful Recreation Area
    Aug. 18, 2016

    Oh Be Joyful Recreation Area

    Oh Be Joyful

    This is a small campground along the Slate River outside of Crested Butte, CO. There are bathrooms and tent sites. No utilities. Abundant hiking, fishing and mountain biking opportunities.

  • Sydney S.The Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Dexter Point Campground
    Aug. 18, 2021

    Dexter Point Campground

    Absolutely stunning!

    Couldn’t have asked for a better spot to camp. Tent sites are incredible with amazing views! If you’re in a rv it’s just a parking lot. But still has great views!

  • lThe Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Dinner Station
    Jul. 9, 2021

    Dinner Station

    Beautiful river, beautiful mountains

    Great spot for fishing, waking up to river sounds, and sage brush Mountain Views. Lots of four wheelers/RVs so if you’re looking for something more remote and tent only this is not the place! We used it as an overnight spot for tent camping between Leadville and crested butte and that worked perfectly.

  • WThe Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Tall Texan RV Park & Cabins
    Jul. 3, 2021

    Tall Texan RV Park & Cabins

    Great place to stop for the night

    The tent sites are kind of centralized, not a lot of privacy. With that said, the sites were level and the facilities were fine. Good location, not far from crested butte.

  • J
    Camper-submitted photo from Arkansas River Rim Campground
    Jun. 10, 2019

    Arkansas River Rim Campground

    Great Campground !

    We enjoyed our stay here very much! Jeff has the place in fantastic shape and is very accommodating. There are very nice full hook-up sites as well as beautiful tent sites here. Bathroom and showers are spotless, too. And, rates are very reasonable!

    We are Colorado folks and know where to find great campgrounds. We always enjoy Arkansas Rim and highly recommend it!

  • SThe Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Sugar Loafin' RV/Campground & Cabins
    Sep. 28, 2021

    Sugar Loafin' RV/Campground & Cabins

    Great last minute camp near Leadville

    We were tent camping on motorcycles and rode into Leadville late in the evening. This campground was open (with staff) late, and were very friendly and accommodating. A very nice camp with everything we needed. They had tent pads that were flat and soft. We just barely missed the ice cream social. We will visit again.

  • G
    Camper-submitted photo from Bear Lake Backpack Site
    Nov. 24, 2024

    Bear Lake Backpack Site

    Belle of Colorado @ Tourquoise Lake

    Originally quite nice, tent camping, clean area, nice sites, water available, bathrooms, and access to fishing. Weekends tend now to religious services... :( Been 4 times but now prefer less commercial/church interuptions. RV crud makes for noisy generators, bouncy houses, karaoke... :( Some people swim. Boating. Good perimeter trail, biking allowed.

  • Ashlee W.
    Camper-submitted photo from Paonia State Park Campground
    Jul. 9, 2022

    Paonia State Park Campground

    Quiet Campground

    Had a great stay in Spruce Campground. The sites and restroom were clean and well-maintained. There is no drinking water so bring your own. The sites are a little on the small side so I wouldn’t recommend large campers but it was perfect for tent camping. The tent pads are very large and a nice bonus. The views were spectacular!

  • Clint P.The Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Elbert Creek — Psicc
    Aug. 12, 2018

    Elbert Creek — Psicc

    Massive or Elbert Climbs

    Perfect location if hiking either of these two mountains. Great tent sites and multiple spots per campsite. As good a camping spot relative to a 14er trailhead as you can get. Cannot day enough good about this campground. Highly recommended.

  • Stella C.
    Camper-submitted photo from White Star
    Aug. 30, 2019

    White Star

    Great place!

    Nice views of Twin Lakes and Mt. Elbert.  The fishing is good especially if you prefer rainbow trout.  The camp sites are spread out pretty nicely and are not all the same.  Some sites offer shade and a view of the waterfront while others have lil shade and you can't see Twin Lakes.  There is water, ample vaulted toilets around the campground, friendly campers with dogs on leashes.  There is a nearby store where 1 can even purchase a fishing rod as you head towards Aspen.  I enjoyed my stay all 3 times, thus far that I have camped in tents here.  There are rushing waters and Twin Lakes to keep you cool.  Beautiful hiking!  Mostly just RVs and tent camping.  I recommend a site back up the lil hill so you can see Twin Lakes!  Nice campground.

  • mThe Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Difficult Campground
    May. 27, 2024

    Difficult Campground

    Beautiful Setting and Private Spots

    Campsite nestled amongst aspen trees, moose regularly passed through, but all five minutes from Aspen. Sites are exactly as they look in the pictures providing seclusion with nice fire pits.

    As with CO state campgrounds it is about the nature/privacy of the campsite so minimal additional features perfect for those that want to camp in the Colorado. Easy to incredible hiking and town.

    We just finished a month-long camping trip and this was one of our favorite locations.

  • Susan D.
    Camper-submitted photo from Lodgepole (taylor River Canyon Near Gunnison, Colorado)
    Jul. 12, 2018

    Lodgepole (taylor River Canyon Near Gunnison, Colorado)

    Quiet campground

    We spent 2 nights tent camping on site #15. Camp host was very friendly and site was nice and spacious. The tent pad had been raked/cleared prior to our arrival, which was nice. The campground is across the street from the river and it was nice to hear the rushing water. However, we could also hear (and see) passing cars on the main road.

  • Ashley F.The Dyrt PRO User
    Camper-submitted photo from Kebler Corner
    Jan. 16, 2023

    Kebler Corner

    River Access!

    Ashley here with The Dyrt! I'm happy to welcome Emily, your host, to our platform. This property offers 9 cabins of varying sizes, 22 full RV hook-ups and primitive tent sites. Close to State Parks. Book today and leave your review here!

  • Rae M.
    Camper-submitted photo from Ami's Acres Campground
    Oct. 9, 2019

    Ami's Acres Campground

    Super Friendly and Clean

    The office manager was extremely helpful and friendly. He drove by 2 times to make sure we had everything we needed while tent camping. The bathrooms were very clean and the water nice and hot. They also have a kitchen area with microwave, filtered water and a sink for dishes, which was really convenient.

  • D
    Camper-submitted photo from Collegiate Peaks
    Aug. 28, 2021

    Collegiate Peaks

    Nice site, bring a tarp

    We got rain every day. I should have brought a tarp for over the picnic table. My site was also a bit hilly and took a while to find a reasonably flat tent site. Water required a drive to the pump near site 18

Guide to Aspen

Tent camping near Aspen, Colorado offers a stunning backdrop of nature, with a variety of campgrounds that cater to outdoor enthusiasts looking for adventure and tranquility.

Tent campers appreciate these amenities

Tips for tent camping near Aspen

Tent campers like these nearby activities

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which is the most popular tent campsite near Aspen, CO?

    According to, the most popular tent campground near Aspen, CO is Portal Campground with a 4.7-star rating from 26 reviews.

  • What is the best site to find tent camping near Aspen, CO? has all 56 tent camping locations near Aspen, CO, with real photos and reviews from campers.