As others have said in so many words, Wow!! If the stark beauty of this place doesn’t blow you away, the wind might! The sheer force of it was humbling.
This is a dispersed camping site located on a ledge overlooking the Badlands. This configuration makes for some serious winds which are evidenced in the rock that’s been sculpted in the area.
The location is about 6 miles south of Wall, SD, but make sure to get the GPS coordinates. The drive into the dispersed camping area is on a gravel service road which was doable for my 24’ class C (see video), but I took it very slowly because there are rutted areas. This spot is convenient to lots of attractions in the area. Many folks with toads would safely leave their RV’s during the day to go and sightsee.
My favorite memories: the hiking and star gazing!
My not so favorite memory: while stargazing in flip flops something bit my big toe and drew blood. It was the screech heard round SD! NOTE: Wear closed toed shoes and don’t park too close to the edge.