We went for a day trip with my husband to see the area for the future ideas and to meet the family. It was mid-March 2025, when a famous annual auto racing event spiked the hotel prices to $400-600 per night, with $200 rooms either inferior or sold out. But your campers can be parked minutes away, with all the hook ups, at around $600 per month ( not per night :)), and at about $60 per night.
The Joy Bamboo farm has three hook up spaces for your campers, a solid spacious "dirt road" ( very clean actually :)) leading there. You can connect your camper to water, sewage, and electricity, of course. The owners visit the site often, maintain it well, and park their own (permanent) campers there, and can advise you on the perks of the area.
The farm delivers its promise of the most pristine fresh air while walking through the acres of bamboo plants: my breathing issues were gone during the visit and stayed away the following day as well.
At night the air on the farm got mysteriously fragrant with flowers, though the main greens growing are bamboo and several cool fruit trees. You can chill outside at a picnic table near the bamboo, the weather mid-March (our visit of this review) is ideal, but other months are reported to be very Floridian as well.
The quiet soft rustling of Asper bamboo on the farm is an "ear bath", cleansing for the mind, the peacefulness is serene. Just strolling through rejuvenates, the dry husk under your feet serving as mulch, the tall plants shading your head.
The bamboo is grown for a commercial use, but the inner bushes are not sprayed, ask the owner how to get a few leaves for bamboo tea :)
Such farm is exactly what puts the goodness in the concept of "eco": it is frugal, with the luxury feelings coming from the surrounding nature.
Multiple beautiful giant lakes nearby, one is a few minutes drive away, with swimming, fishing, pristine waters, flocks of ibises, and beach conveniences (bathrooms, equipped playground, covered patio tables and benches, mature plants give shade, a huge library, and so on). There is a shallow part where the children can play in water. Boats are offered for sale and for rent throughout the region.
A large plaza at the center of Sebring is also a few min drive away. Try their Peru Fresh place (at the City Circle) ceviche for lunch, check out Faded (a charming restorant nested in a lush exotic garden) for a special dining experience at night.
It is wonderful hiking the trails in the pristine parks, also a few min drive away.
If you want to make a base in the area and explore with longer drives, Miami is 3 hours away. Also a comparable drive to Orlando Universal, to Legoland, and so on. We actually drove from Miami, there is a contrasting feel of the giant metropolitan area of Greater Miami and the tranquil Sebring spot :)
Overall, we loved it