It was a steamy 90 plus degrees as we finally hit the road, believing to be on the right trail we drove a frosty ac filled truck two hours north towards Colville. Believing this dreamy lake to be, only a few minutes away from us along with our group of several friends, whom, to our unfortunate luck, had been here previously. And to our unfortunate downfall, we had not.
The quick jaunt from spokane out to Usk and the 20 minute skip up the road till it turned into a dusty trail, was all well and good for our traveling comrades however for us, a ragtag pair of best good buddies trotting along unbeknownst to us, about to fall into a pit of emotional disparity. Yes, indeed we had gone the wrong way.. the Browns Lake I had googled was a larger more well known lake in the Colville area, however do not be fooled, there is a smaller, more secluded lake tucked nearly two more hours east and just a smidge north. A small pool of a lake hidden amongst the fire torched woodlands only years before, now beautifully flushing out in lush greenery.
The long winding trails finally dropped us amongst Usk, the sweet little logging town, a hop across a bridge and a skip up a dirt road and we were pulling in and around the pine tree cooled atmosphere of the sweet smelling, calm energy of a family friendly, dog happy camp ground. With tents popped up and a small fire started out awaiting friends happily greeted us. After a tad bit of jazzy do to my poor direction skills but nonetheless getting us to journey there. We unloaded the rest of logs, tent gear and dogs. Once all set up, in the much cooler shade of the basking 94degrees around us down on the lake. We changed suits and though the 10ft or so to get to the lake was a bit of a hassle with the steep slope of roots and weeds, and the lack of a sandy beach.. the calm, clear, nearly bath temperature water, easily made up for it.
I am happy to say the night sky was immaculate and immense. How’s spent star gazing by the water after hours spent floating in the sun, and even a few hours spent hiking the woodlands after dust when the sun cooled down. With hotdogs and salmon cooked over the fire and a cozy Ozark Trails tent, camp chairs and even tin coffee cup to ease any remote tension. It was without a doubt, a pleasant first camp trip of the season 🏕