River Junction, Chataoochee, GA - near Florida boarder
(72 yr olds in 27’ trailer.)
Overall Rating: 3.5 /5for not a preferable campground layout and no clear view of water. 4.5/5 for responsible host, boat launch access and convenient location for overnight stay while traveling to/from Tallahassee FL/ Montgomery, AL.
Price 2024: $ 13 w interagency pass
Security: no gate. Host is very aware of campground activity
Usage during visit: medium
Visual Privacy Between Adjacent Sites: none
Site Spacing: okay, but some sites back up to others
Pad surface: gravel
Reservations: no
Campground Noise: Quiet, but there is bird hunting nearby in the AM.
Outside Road Noise: no
Through Traffic in campground: Yes, to boat launch.
Electric Hookup: yes
Sewer Hookup: no
Dump Station: yes
Potable Water Available: at sites
Bathroom: Flush toilets . Clean
Showers: Yes. Heated room and clean
Pull Throughs: 3 or 4.
Cell Service (Verizon): 1 to 2 bars
Setting: Open park like area surrounded by thick forest.
Recent Weather: Polar vortex cooling to 40s for highs and 30s for lows.
Insects: none in January
Host: yes
Rig Size: large
Sites: most are in a central location. Ours, #5 is the best of those. Perimeter sites are pullover sites. Filtered view of water from some.