As the title states. At midnight on our second night at 50 Rake Creek, two separate vehicles raced right past our tent and parked down by the water access. When told that it was a reserved private campsite that I paid for, they became aggressive and argued that it was not private. Both vehicles did three point turns, narrowly missing our tent and shining headlights in our faces and spun tires out of the campsite. We felt unsafe and like they might return to retaliate so we had no choice but to break camp at midnight and make a 5 hour drive through the night back home.
During the day, multiple vehicles miss the small sign that says "primitive campsite" at the dirt road entrance and drive down the road looking to fish or explore. Most of them quickly turn around when they realize its a campsite.
I have emailed the state forest asking for better signage indicating that it is a paid for, reserved campsite or a gate with a code. If it weren't for the music blaring, tire spinning, aggressive individuals who argued that it was not private when I asked them to leave, I would not be making such a fuss about it. It seems that we campers with a reservation busted up their usual backroad drinking spot.
Lovely campsite that we had decided was the best place we had ever camped with a short 15 min drive to St. George Island until we were essentially run off in the middle of the night.