Made a reservation via telephone for two days a month in advance, but was not given a site number.When we pulled up to the office there was a note with a telephone number to call, but no answer. I saw a gentleman walking around and it appeared he saw us. After waiting about 10 minutes, I decide to driver further into the park. The gentleman I saw earlier was one of the owners/ managers, I would would have expected him to go to the office to meet the newly arriving guests. I will say that he was friendly enough and later, his wife stopped by to collect the fee and she too was friendly. The park itself has full hook ups and is on the banks of the bayou. The campground require you to sign a waiver because of the water moccasins from the bayou and because of the potential of falling tree limbs. The. Campground is pretty sandy so leveling may be problematic for big rigs. The do allow long term guests to store all kinds of equipment and gear, the site next to us look like a junk yard. Our fellow campers seemed friendly enough with the gentleman on the other side from the junk yard introducing himself.