This hike in site is great for those who are looking to get away from the RVs and large groups of family campers that are in the other areas of LL Stub Stewart. The bit of a hike in deters most people, but is totally doable. There are also small carts for gear available, as long as they are not all in use. The path is not paved, but is not bad at all. Worth the hike in for the seclusion!
Each site has a picnic table, and the forested area means that you don't feel like you are right on top of one another. We were able to fit two tents in our site, although it was a little bit of a squeeze. The communal fire area gives you a great experience to meet fellow campers, and is large enough that multiple groups can cook at once, as long as you aren't a fire hog! The bugs can get pretty bad, however, so bug spray is a must.
We had to walk the loop twice to find our perfect spot, but we also went during a meteor shower weekend and were lucky to find an empty site at all! LL Stub Stewart is full of great hiking and biking trails, and has a hilltop area that overlooks the park. There is even a small "dog park" area, along with a picnic shelter. Great for finding orchids in the spring, as well as rough skin newts.