No Rig too Big... ALL RV SITES ARE 30 & 50 AMP. Long term stays on 28 plus nights save 9%; ME state tax. Recreation is all within 2 miles of us; On-site- bocce court, firewood for sale, brewery & beer garden, tavern tap house, pet friendly; Golf (.2 mi), Boat launch (1 mi), fishing (.5 mi), river side hiking trails (1 mi), playground (.2 mi), laundry mat (2 mi), farmers market (Thursday's 9am-12pm .2 mi), Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens (1 mi), downtown shopping (2 mi), Grocery store (2 mi), boating/cruising (2 mi), horseback riding, hair salons (2 mi), Sea Glass Spa (.1 mi away), LP Gas. Call ahead with any questions