I was shocked by the high score and mostly positive reviews, but then I realized there is probably a huge difference between camping in the spots along the river vs. the ones right next to the highway, which is where I was. So take my score knowing that it represents the experience of a spot right next to the highway.
I was lucky to have scored it last second, as despite it being early in the season, that Saturday it was the only spot available day of, which I had to snag after my dispersed camping plans didn't pan out, and and after doing the Heather Lake hike earlier, I wasn't in the mood to drive all the way home.
Despite being next to the loud and busy highway, my site was very nice, large, and really private from neighbors. Although it was near the restroom and so lots of foot traffic walking by all afternoon/evening, but not a big deal.
Despite the only 3-star review, I would go back, assuming I can score a river side site.