Lone Spring Trail consists of sections on the north and the south of Hwy KK. The trail is named for a perennially flowing spring that emerges in the valley at the base of a ridge. It loops through Northwood's Wild Area and crosses Big Sugar Creek, a designated state natural area. The southwestern part of the trail goes through a more open woodland that is being restored to its original condition by the use of prescribed burns. This trail is marked in a clockwise direction. Trail parking is provided along Highway KK. White Connector 7 is available to shorten one's trip. A connecting spur to the north allows the option to hike to Shady 80 Lake, and White Connector 6 to the south provides access to Big Sugar Creek Trail. There is also a spur that leads to the backpack camp.
Map: https://www.mostateparks.com/sites/mostateparks/files/TrailMap-lonespring.pdf