Campground review: This small campground is located about 45 minutes inland from the Washington coast on the bank of the Columbia river. It was more than adequate for our end of the summer camping trip. The beach access was remarkable. The campground welcomed tents,rvs, and even had yurt village set back in the hillside. They sold their own espresso from a coffee truck (which was quite good by the way) and also sold fire wood on-site. Amenities also included clean restrooms and a free shower house! This is a great place for water sports or fishing on the Columbia. Sandy bottom shores abound!💜🤗
Gear Review:Green Goo
As a Ranger for the Dyrt our family will occasionally get products to review. This round we were testing GREEN GOO products. On this trip we tested the Outdoor Travel Pack. Consisting of smaller versions of GREEN GOO originals. We used the Bugs Be Gone Spray and First Aid Salve. Seperate to this set we also tested the GREEN GOO Skin Repair Salve which we have been using for a while now at home but was nice to have especially after having spent some time in the sun.
Review:Green Goo Bugs Be Gone Spray
We loved this! My son and I used this a few wks ago at scout camp also around horses and it kept the biting flies at bay. This stuff is 100% natural so I'm all about that. We used it again this trip at the river in the evening when the bugs came out and were not bothered. Just wish the bottle were bigger.
Review:Green Goo First Aid Salve
This product was honestly a lifesaver for my 2 yr old this trip. Both of my kids were playing in our campsite and she tripped and fell in thorny ground brush. She had tiny slivers all in her hands and was really hard to calm down. I tried to just pull then out but it just made it worse. After remembering I had the salve packed away we tried this on her hands and they wiped out easily with a towel. I was really quite impressed. So I highly recommend having this on hand if you have little people who are active.
Review:Green Goo Skin Repair
I have been using this at night around my eyes for a few wks now and I love it. It's a multi purpose salve so it's pretty great. However this trip the kids and I used it for minor sunburn relief and I found it worked equally well for that. I would just recommend keeping it in the cooler as it is a salve and will melt if it gets too warm.