Mosquitos. Vast clouds of them, attacking you through the fabric of your tent. In the early morning, when you step outside, you often see a haze, a fog, on the water. It's not fog, it's mosquitos by the millions.
The campground is called Dusty Camp for a reason - it's built on a deposit of diatomaceous earth. This is the shells of tiny sea life from millions of years ago. It's incredibly abrasive and clings to clothes - better to discard them. The good news is that there are no ants here - the DE gets into the exoskeleton joints of the ants, immobilizing and starving them to death. It's actually sold in garden stores to control household crawling insects. DE is not toxic but unbelievably abrasive. It's very lightweight and when dry gets into EVERYTHING - it even has a static charge. When dry it reeks of rotten fish.
This is a good place to run from, which is ironic, as "the train on the bridge" scene to "Stand By Me" was filmed on a trestle just down the road. (The kids are trapped on a railroad bridge with an oncoming steam locomotive, and help each other flee for their lives