So I’ll be honest: Sometimes I camp just so I can get close to flyfishing. This particular review has less to do with the specifics of the site (although this campground is great!), and more to do with the flyfishing in the area (also great!).
Pennsylvania is home to some of the best wilderness trout streams that you’re ever going to find. The area is just plain beautiful! If you like hiking, fishing, and getting it to enjoy some of the pristine wilderness of the Allegheny National Forest, this campground is your gateway to its natural beauty.
The campground near Tionesta (pronounced: “ty-NES-ta” for those out-of-town) is standard, but pretty nice. Everything you would expect for camping near ANF. The sites are well-maintained, and most of the locals seem pretty respectful.
The little town of President (and Porcupine Creek) is just up the road. This is one of the most pristine wilderness brook trout fisheries in the area. You can even find a wild, native Rainbow if you‘re lucky enough ;-)
Quick tip: spend more than a day here. If you like scenic drives, you’ll in for a nice surprise.