This was a real gem. Very close to the entrance to Teddy Roosevelt NP, it was perfect for our camper. Big rigs would be fine there, but I did not see any drive through sites.
First we were amazed that it was open when nearly all state, local, and federal campgrounds were closed. Next we were impressed by the quality of the sites: clean, mowed, fire pits, nice picnic tables, paved road (and I think the slabs were paved?), but the OMG was the individual shower rooms with radiant heat that was motion activated.
There are no hookups, despite what other sites may claim. But hydrants were plentiful and the clean flush toilets and hot free showers made this a perfect place for you if you don't need to be hooked up to water and power. It was only $6 a night and that was not a discount, that was full price!!!
The interstate was just over the ridge, out of site but you knew it was there. This is I-90 in Western ND, so traffic noise was not an issue at all. The first night I was woke by a plane flying overhead, so you know that the Interstate was truly not an issue at all.
Actually, being close to the interstate meant being close to the park, which is fabulous. We loved the Grand Canyon a few years ago, but meaning no disrespect, this was a far more enjoyable experience. You have the color, the rugged creation, but you are going in it, and through it, and on top of it. Buffalo, prairie dogs, Big Horn Sheep,
wild horses, deer, eagles, warblers, jack rabbits, antelope, and that is just what we saw in a day and a half!