Stone Mountain Park is a reflection of the Atlanta, GA area. In other words you pay for everything you do , from entering the park to traveling to the top of the mountain.
You pay upon entering for parking. If you are camping you still pay for parking when you arrive but get a voucher for the duration of your stay.
This campground has many rules so ensure you review them. Pets are allowed, alcohol is not. Guests are permitted but if they are not part of your original group you have to pay for them to stay overnight. You can not camp in your vehicle. You can not swim in the lake, there is a pool. And so on.
All that being said it is a nice, large campground. Depending on the loop your in you may have more privacy then in others. The sites are not necessarily level if you get in the “tiered” areas BUT you have more privacy. There are some excellent choices for picturesque views of the lake and Stone Mountain. Every camping combination you may need from no electric to full hookup.
In my opinion this is very similar to Yogi or KOA, etc. If that’s the type vacation your looking for.
Check out everything they offer and have your credit card ready ;)
Dogs are permitted on the trails around the mountain but not permitted on the trail to the top. I was not aware of this until we got there so we didn’t get to do a picture on top. We did enjoy the trails and lake.
The weather was perfect for camping, cool in the evening, great for campfire gatherings;) The Country Living Fair was on the event calendar so it was a little busy in the park.
Definitely a destination campground and so close to Atlanta you’ll probably want to visit there too.