Dubois/Wind River KOA, Dubois , Wyoming
Dubois , Wyoming is another town on the old west trail. I only stayed overnight after Grand Teton NP but would have stayed longer had my schedule allowed to explore more. It is a little touristy but there is history there if you search it out.
The KOA was a smaller one, back behind a gas station which was convenient. There are cool TP’s that you can rent and the cabins site along the Wind River which makes for some nice scenery when you are chilling at the campground. Don’t look to hard though, across the river is a neighborhood.
The road in was a little rough and the gravel needed some maintenance, otherwise it was a well maintained parking lot like so many of the KOA’s are now.
The playground equipment looked archaic! I did not use any of the facilities so I have no information on them and there was no dog park.
I arrived after close, found my paperwork on the lite kiosk and I left out in the morning before the office opened.
For the price I expect more but it seems like the area dictates the quality of the KOA.