Following highways signs looking for this campground I didn’t know what to expect. I was hoping for a tent site but wasn’t sure what I would find. In this area I had seen many RV parka but few tent site areas so I was pleased to pull up and see tents!
When I went into the office I was greeted by a very pleasant woman who gave me a map and told me a bit about the camp, which included a nice restroom/laundry and pool area (seasonally open).
They also offered WiFi and hiking trails right in the camping facility which was right up my alley!!
I arrived just before the end of the summer season so everything was up and running and it was perfect! The camp offers a small camp store and is also relatively close to other stores in neighboring town.
Opt for a spot a little further away from the office, it is quieter and closer to trails.
Drive slowly on the way out to the campsite, not just on the gravel road but on the main road, there are several patrols right before the turn off which use the hill area for a good hiding spot because the hill causes you to speed if you are a bit heavy. BE MINDFUL!