Gear Review:
As a Ranger for The Dyrt, I am one of the lucky ones that get to review outdoor gear from time to time. My husband, Hutch, and I each got a pair of the OOFOS OOriginal Sport Sandals and spent the last couple weeks hiking, cycling, and camping in them in the Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York. These are not your average pair of flip flops…they are amazing! We may never take them off.
What we love about these shoes:
- Unbelievably comfortable! Designed as a recovery shoe but can be worn for just about everything from the shower to the campground to light hiking and cycling.
- The toe thong is integrated into the sole, making them more durable and less likely to pull through/out. The rubber is so soft that it doesn’t irritate the area between the toes, even after walking in them for many hours.
- Stylish! I wore them with a nice outfit and my feet didn’t feel underdressed.
- They stay on your feet when walking in water. My previous pair of flip flops felt like they were coated in Vaseline when they got wet, but these sandals stay put. They float, which is plus if you lose them in the lake. Lose them in a river and all bets are off though.
- When people ask who makes them, it’s fun to say OOOFOOSS twice (because they never understand you the first time you say it).
What could be improved:
- I can typically find some constructive criticism about the products I review, but these are our new favorite shoes. Maybe a few more color options for men would be a nice addition to the line?
Thoughts and ideas:
- Can OOFOS make insoles for hiking boots? They’d be amazingly comfy.
Video Link:
Campground Review:
From the gorgeous hike up the gorge to kayaking at sunset on Owasco Lake to enjoying some wine from the grapes grown in the region, the Finger Lakes region is hard to beat for total family entertainment. We came for a couple nights to check it out and stayed for over a week!
This campground is great for families and groups! Each site has a picnic table and fire ring and there are both electric and non-electric sties from which to choose. The sites in the middle section of the campground don’t really have designated boundaries, while those around the edges are more traditionally divided. There is literally no privacy between any of the sites.
We were at site 35 (in the middle section) and there were 2 large groups on either side of us who came for the weekend. The grassy field is great for kiddos to run-amok and there is a playground at the far end of it so parents can keep an eye on the kids while enjoying time with their friends and family.
The bathrooms are modern, kept very clean, and the showers are awesome. There are a couple picnic areas/shelters* and a gorgeous natural pool with lifeguard. *P.S. The picnic shelter up by the gorge is amazing! It’s worth the walk up the stairs.
But, the campground is only the beginning of what this area has to offer! Just a short walk from the campground, you will find the Village of Moravia which has everything you may need, including some great ice cream and pizza. It’s a cute little town filled with many historic homes so take the time to walk or cycle around. Also, Owasco Lake is a short drive from the campground and is great for all types of water sports.
We did our usual reservation-less “pull up and see what they have open” style of camping, but during the main season, this place is nuts! You’ll definitely need to plan ahead and make reservations if you plan to be here on the weekends during the silly season. Bonus: Prices are lower on weekdays and you get a reduced rate for your second night, too.