We stayed at the 20 mile beach camp site. As you make your way down the dirt road, the road will fork at the public trash bins. We headed right, and followed a dirt road down towards the lake. You will see a large round clearing, and that is where we set up our large Kodiak cabin style tent. The dirt road down to the site was a little bumpy. Maybe not suitable for low profile vehicles. We drove in in a Chevy pick up.
Bring mosquito repellent because there are tons of bugs. The lake is pretty dirty. There’s a lot of missy looking substance on it. My kids tried fishing, even though the fishing report stated fishing was not good. I have 9 and 11 year olds... They don’t like to reason when it comes to fishing, or “wetting a line” as they say.
The camp ground is mostly gravel and coarse sand. I had to use a heavy hammer to stake our tent. We didn’t see or hear any snakes. The nights were very pleasant. There is wildlife all around, but nothing kept us up at night. I was kind of hoping for some owl hooting, or coyotes, but I didn’t hear any. This site is also far enough from the road, where you really don’t hear the traffic. Make sure to step out, or open a window to enjoy the sunrise.