A Montana State Parks Conservation Permit is now required to camp here. Don't know if they enforce that requirement. Here's the link. Your permit is good all year.
This is a great spot. I was here on a week night very quiet. Only one other couple. Lots of birds.
You can see where the beavers have been at work felling trees on they way in. Wild turkeys were pretty vocal last evening.
Easy to imagine Capt. William Clark floating past in 1806 in
his lashed together canoes on his way to the Missouri to rejoin Capt. Merriweather Lewis.
It is actually a fishing access point with boat ramp. A little slow going in on the dirt road. Could be slick if rainy. There are 4 campsites with fire rings and a pit toilet at the far end.
Length limit on vehicles is 20 feet. They clarify 20 ft tow vehicle and 20 ft trailer.
Don't know how strict they are on this. It would be tough to get anything big in here anyway.
You can stay here up to 7 days.