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Point of Rocks Ponds

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Point of Rocks Ponds is located in Kansas, featuring flat terrain with sparse vegetation. Temperatures can range from lows in the 20s Fahrenheit during winter to highs in the 90s during summer. Nearby attractions include the Cimarron National Grassland, offering trails and wildlife viewing opportunities.


US Forest Service

Cimarron National Grassland

These man-made fishing ponds are stocked with trout in the winter and channel catfish during the summer. Please refer to Kansas Dept of Wildlife and Parks for further information regarding licensing, size limit and etc.

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Point of Rocks Ponds is located in Kansas

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From Elkhart, Kansas, take Highway 27 north, cross the Cimarron River, turn west onto FS 600.3, travel approximately one mile. Ponds on south side of the road.


37.11509917 N
101.914799 W

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