So we’ve never camped here mostly because it’s a 15 minute drive from our house and that just feels like cheating lol. But we come here constantly for fishing, bicycling, and kayaking. Biggest frustration? Dogs are not allowed out on the water, even if contained to your boat/kayak/canoe/etc, even if you strap your dog to you (she has a K9 sport sack just for this). Trust me I’ve tried all the logic there is, the sheriffs ain’t budging. I get it, but my dog loves kayaking and is very well trained and it’s frustrating to be so close yet she can’t come with me. And I’m single so it’s not exactly like I can leave her with someone on the beach while I kayak, so unfortunately when I do kayak here the poor pup has to stay home.
However, out of the water dogs are allowed and enjoyed everywhere! We have done the cycle loop of the entire park so many times I’ve lost count and everyone seems so impressed a 19 pound senior dog with a heart condition can rack up a 5 mile jog no sweat. Haha this pup is invincible! If you aren’t familiar with the trails they can get a little tricky to follow but easy enough to recorrect. (The first video shows what some of the main trails are like, easy to ride and very well kept!)
Now that a good section of the East side of the park bordering the RV Resort and Airport is privately owned it is a BEAR to circle back to your original point. Honestly we’re talking a 10 minute bike trail of about .4 miles now loops out 5 miles into the neighborhood right next to the freeway off ramp and into normal traffic near the Pomona Fairgrounds. Also no sidewalks so talk about going leisurely on a bike path dumped into 40+ mph with signaled turn lanes on 5 lane wide streets where you need to merge and make left turns. (The second video shows this transition and redirect, please be safe people!) Honestly this new adjustment has caused a lot of cyclists I know and ride with to swear off the park because it’s too much to ask for those of us with pets or small children. I heard there is a petition circling to ask for a safer updated option.
Also realize that this change is not marked anywhere on the trails or maps and there is a huge elevation change from the top parking lots north of the park down to the southeast side. This means unless you know the bike path has changed, your only option to get the last .4 miles back to your car is to jump on to a busy main road, turn around and bike back the 5 miles completely uphill, or call an Uber and have them deliver you back lol. All in all though, great place to relax and have fun.