When we called to make our reservation there was only one spot left and it was at the Mill Pond camping area. I was a little hesitant because this area is water hook up only. However, it is the only camping area in the park with water view. So, we sprung for a generator and reserved the spot. On arrival, we were surprised to find that there were plenty of open spots even after being told several times there were not. My assumption was that this had to do with Covid 19 and limited capacity regulations. Nevertheless, the Mill Pond camping area is the way to go. Easy access to the pond and breathtaking views made this my favorite camping location so far. It also could have been the swampy nature reviving my Louisiana roots. Other pros to Caddo State Lake park were the very long scenic hiking trails that included beautiful rock stairs, canoeing through the pond out into the bay, adorable cabins, and wildlife. We spotted a deer, paddle fish, and a baby gator! About four miles from the park is a National Wildlife Refuge with walking trails and auto-tour route. There are several canoe trails on Caddo Lake. I strongly suggest putting in at Crip's Camp to explore the"Old Folks Playground" paddle trail for some very unique scenery.
Check out our entire trip highlights here https://champagneondeck.com