".’; (2) If you’ve got hiking on your mind, there’s some really good, albeit basic hiking to be had here with some very great sightseeing – in all there’s about 12 miles of good hiking to explore the area here from Johnson-Sauk that will have you walking through seasoned pine and old oak forests; (3) Should you want to go fishing and find yourself in need of anything, whether its rental boats, snacks and sodas, fishing bait or souvenirs, the Marina here at Johnson-Sauk has you covered; (4) There’s also a decent restaurant here at the Marina, called Red Earth Café, but when we were there last, it was closed and we heard rumors that is was not going to reopen, which was a bummer, therefore, if you want to eat out, you’re going to have to trek it back in to nearby Annawan, just due north on 78, where there’s just a few restaurants to choose from, including Mick’s Bar & Grill, which basically has hot dogs and burgers or Purple Onion, which has typical Midwestern comfort food like country fried steak, fried walleye and pork chops; and (5) The hit of Annawan, IMHO, is Paxton’s Corner Coop, which will immediately make you feel like you have stepped foot on some film location in Hollywood, with all of its other-worldly oddities, but press on and enter the establishment to find some of the most delectable desserts I have ever come across: caramel rolls, amazing natural ice cream, delectable cupcakes and, my personal favorite, the oatmeal crème sandwiches! "