Good Sam Club discount saved $10.60
Reserved 138 days prior to arrival
Very friendly check-in staff
Entrances exit gates controlled with key card given to registered campers with return box at the gate
Shady site
Gravel site surrounded by grass with a concrete patio
Moveable wooden picnic table
Concrete pavers with metal wheel rim insert for the campsite fire ring
Clean toilet/shower building
Mostly quiet except for road noise and distant train whistles
2 laundry facilities;$3 wash and$2.75 dry
Lake and a pool!
Appomattox Court House National Historical Park 10 miles from Park
Horribly low water pressure. Staff reported park has only well water not city provided water so only 35 psi. We removed all our water filters to get slightly better pressure
Park WiFi out of order to be repaired in June according to staff
Site unlevel side-to-side
Pull-thru site too short to leave tow vehicle hitched
One of the laundry buildings locked the entire 2 days we were here
Most sites occupied by seasonal campers so many not at their sites during the week
No privacy from neighbor sites
Absolutely no TV reception
2 bars Verizon