In the late Spring NPS starts trying to plow the road to Kantishna, Riley Creek is free till around the 10th of May or the season opening weekend. Minimal services are open, even outside of the Park so go prepared...
You can drive in to mi 30, Teklanika, many people take Mtn bikes and ride the road in from there.... after the Park opens you can only drive in to mi 10 and have to take a bus to go any further...
Riley has several paved loops, large parking spots at each site (easy 2x vehicles, some trailers) level tent sites and a heavy wooden table, round fire rings w/grate.
Water and bathroom facilities for each loop, trails to the nearby Visitor Center, Train Depot, etc thru the campground which is gently rolling, wooded terrain, nice amount of elbow room around each campsite...
Some May's it's 80 degrees and blistering sun, this year it was in the low 40's, mixed rain/snow....
After the Fall road lottery the road again opens to Teklanika but snow could close it at any time...