All the shows you see on t.v that look like "wild Alaska".. this is it!!
If you choose to start the Girdwood side you will travel south via Glenn Highway from Anchorage approx 45 minutes. Take the Girdwood exit.. can't miss it, it has the busiest Gas station in the State! Follow this road until you see Crow creek mine rd on your left.. take that. Follow it till the parking area on your right. Before you head out you might as well do the quick 3 mile round trip winner creek trail that has an awesome hand tram over the river.. scary yes.. worth it absolutely!!
Before you head out on Crow pass if you choose to do all 24 miles be sure that you have someone on the Eagle River Nature side to get you or leave a car 5$ fee for parking. AND ask them to leave an espresso as I TOTALLY needed one right then!!
As you head up the trail you will see state cabin #1.. you can stay here for free.. or if it is pre rented you need to stay outside.. which we did. And it was wonderful.. a small creek runs by here and it is set in the most serene place on earth.. You can't help sing like " The hills are alive with music!"
We only camped one night and trekked the rest of the way.. yes all the way.. awesome and crazy.. you must cross Eagle river to finish the whole trail and if you choose to do this please read up on and be prepared on ways to river cross. Triangle formation, walking stick, group.. I am 5'4" and the extra rain this year made this portion of the hike EXTREMELY dangerous for me as the water was above my waste, and if it wasn't for the triangle formation I'm sure I would have seen some pretty amazing scenery way down the river.
Moose, Bear and Beaver own this land. I HIGHLY recommend a camera, as were took few too many pics.. and Bear spray. Never let your guard down when you hike here as there are surprised around every corner. People laugh when I tell them a beaver chased me.. funny as it is.. THAT SUCKER WAS HUGE and chased me good ways.. my partner laughed.. not cool.
Pack everything in you need, water filter, tent, food, first aid, blister pads, rain gear and bear spray. You can pack ultra light and do this trail in one day.. but whats the rush.. it is AMAZING!!