This is a National Park Service campground located along the Blue Ridge Parkway, a short distance north of the famous& scenic Mabry Mill. It’s open Memorial day through late October and reservations are available online, but also offers a significant complement of first-come, first-serve sites. Only 28 of the sites are suitable for RVs. The larger sites are located in a loop that runs parallel to the Parkway, so you may experience a little more road traffic noise. Loop C is tent only and farthest from the main road. Bring cash or check to pay for your site if you arrive without a reservation and need to pay at the iron ranger.
Cell service is poor. Some of the sites have bear lockers, so be sure to put away your food and scented toiletries. Sites are wooded, though the T loop is more open
Facilities are limited, with hot water and flush toilets, but no showers or hookups. For RVs, there is a dump station. Firewood is for sale. There's also a group site located near the back of loop C
In addition to the scenic drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway and historic sites, there are trails to explore, including the more rigorous Rock Castle Gorge trail that will take you past waterfalls and an old CCC camp. A downside to many of the hikes along the Parkway is that you start at the top and hike down, so you’ll have an uphill hike toward the end. You may see wildlife: deer, turkeys and bear frequent the area.