Angels Landing Campground
Reviewed Jul. 1, 2022

Angels Landing Review

This place was just okay compared to other places. I mostly picked this place because online it states that it has a lot more to offer than it actually does, and there is ZERO privacy. Most of the sites are long term, we did get a waterfront site, but because people anchor their boats anywhere they please, this means people were driving their golf carts all over our campsite day and night, and parking their carts all over the back part of our site. Im talking 11pm parking directly outside our windows and talking. Not a fan. Also, the website states that they have a rec center, they don’t. It’s an empty building with no AC. No volley ball. Basketball court has seen better days. Restaurant is good but more expensive than I think it’s worth. One big redeeming factor is that the pool is awesome. Would I stay here again? Probably not.

Month of VisitJune