After seeing the eclipse earlier that morning, I set out to find THIS well-known camping/hot spring area. A beautiful drive through Plush OR, then up, up, and away onto the Hart Mountain Plateau. The overview of Warner Valley is epic. Follow the easy 'dyrt' road through the Refuge Headquarters and continue on the well-marked Hot Springs Rd. You will arrive at a parking area with an information kiosk. Camping is split into a north & south area. There are some walk-in tenting spots to the north. The spots are well-marked and fairly large. A family kindly allowed me to share one with them. I was able to find 3 hot springs, one sheltered and 'developed' by a stone wall, concrete, and a ladder into the deep warm water (98-100 degrees?) The other two are completely natural and easy to find on the short trail between the camping areas. These are shallow, but warmer (102-104?). Do not be surprised if people are enjoying the springs 'au natural'. A ranger did swing by to verify that all campers were in designated spots. No camping in the parking lot. Night skies were pitch black without the Moon.
Overall, a wonderful spot to escape to :-)