Elwha Campground - CLOSED — Olympic National Park
Reviewed Sep. 9, 2018

Campground no longer exists!

Elwha Campground was destroyed by flooding in the winter of 2017. The National Park Service is in the process if dismantling the campground and letting it return to natural forest land. If you are heading into the Elwha either for the day, a quick overnight or as part of the Pacific Northwest Trail the two closest campgrounds are in the backcountry; either Humes Ranch up Whiskey Bend Road or Boulder Creek up Hot Springs Road. Access to these areas is fairly difficult as no future plans for permanent bridges are in place where washouts have occurred. While the Elwha River valley is absolutely gorgeous, it is a mission to get to the upper reaches such as Glines Canyon and further upriver.

Siteno campsites
Month of VisitSeptember
  • Review photo of Elwha Campground - CLOSED — Olympic National Park by Zach A., September 9, 2018
  • location walkthrough
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