Bogachiel State Park Campground
Reviewed Jul. 31, 2015

Rainforest Camping

It feels like the edge of the world here - the WET edge of the world. Right on the edge of the Hoh rainforest, this is a great place to camp if you want to explore the Hoh rainforest.

There are only about 20 or so campsites so its a small and somewhat remote campground. The bathrooms were decent and lots of shade. Bring some rain gear as it is somewhat damp here.

  • Review photo of Bogachiel State Park Campground by Christy K., July 31, 2015
  • Review photo of Bogachiel State Park Campground by Christy K., July 31, 2015
  • Review photo of Bogachiel State Park Campground by Christy K., July 31, 2015