Canyon Ferry Is Dying
Canyon Ferry is a reservoir created by the Pick-Sloan flood management plan in the 1940s and was built in 1954. The series of dams flooded and destroyed Native Lands and prevented the river from naturally flooding the flood plains around it. As a result, the natural landscape was altered and it is evident upon visiting that it is suffering. The trees are dying and the scene looks like Africa in a drought. There is a lot of water, but it is stagnant and prevented from flowing due to the dam. The water is swampy, thick and full of algae, I measured surface temperature at 83 degrees. Natural lakes at the same time were around 64. Getting in the water feels like getting in warm bisque, and is not refreshing. No fish were biting, but I believe a turtle bit me when in the water. Mosquitoes are prolific, they thrive in stagnant warm water, like this. According to locals they were better at the time I was present than earlier, which seems an impossibility. This water is dead and gross and needs to be discharged. It looks like a swimming pool that nobody maintains at an hourly rate Florida motel. It is obviously not fresh, not filtered, not moving, and is just sitting there growing algae and mosquitoes. Quagga mussels were a fear, and if anyone knows where they thrive, it is in dirty polluted gross water, not clean water. The local efforts attempt to prevent invasion but they only "invade" dead water like the Great Lakes. This water does not seem safe to swim or fish from.
The campsite was nice, the water was not.